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Favorite GTA?


New Member
I like San Andreas.
Whats your favorite GTA game?
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Fairly even between GTA3 and Vice City. Vice City swings it though because of the awesome soundtrack.

I wasn't keen on San Andreas it had too many Sim elements. Then GTA4 dropped a lot of these but the entire game became too realistic.
GTA San Andreas. It was just so vast. One minute you can be in the country or desert and the next in the metropolis.
Muratcan said:
GTA San Andreas. It was just so vast. One minute you can be in the country or desert and the next in the metropolis.
If you were in a jet sure, otherwise it would take a lot longer and that was my beef with San Andreas, it was way too big.

I loved Vice City because of the soundtrack (best GTA soundtrack IMO), the fact that you have something other than weapons to spend your money on (eg houses), driving around Mr.Whoopi, and the Miami Vice settings. The GTA series is famous for their tongue-and-cheek take on other movies, and in Vice City this was done the best.

GTA4 was too realistic and gritty and back at boring Liberty City. How many times do we have to go there? I still liked it a lot, but its not worthy as the best GTA. I am having more fun with Saints Row 2 right now than I did with GTA4.
As much as I hate to say it Vice city. I'll explain

I loved 3. But once you play the other games after it, it no longer seems special at all.

As for San Andreas, It just suffered from being too damn long. I got it when it first came out, I got bored and never bothered finishing it until this year. And the whole defending gang territory was just frustrating, amongst other things such as taking damn near ten minutes just to drive to a location. There was just too many things I didn't like and it over shadowed the things I did like.(I hope they never put planes in another GTA game again)

GTA4. *Sigh* I don't think this was the worst GTA game like most people do.(these people obviously never played GTA1&2) But it failed in a big way because if you're going to have someone playing a game for 10+ hours, at least have some fucking mission variety. It felt like I was doing the same thing over and over again. That was pretty much my only issue with this game. Unfortunately that is a very big problem. It would have been my favorite had they just added more diverse missions.

Vice City had everything going for it. 80's setting, fictional Floridian location. Ray motherfucking Liotta!. But the story was terrible, and predictable.
There wasn't a single thing in this game that I didn't see coming beforehand.
personally I wanted to throw this game in the trash after beating it for being so damn predictable.....But Ray and the 80's prevail over the stupid failure of a story that tries too hard to be a Brian De Palma flim.
Out of them all I put the most time into vice city. I liked the 80's look it had going. I Have yet to touch the newest tho yet.

Most of the time I just tried to see how long I could last without dieing with allot of stars.
San Andreas. It just rocks. Its huge, has a crap load of things to do, and is generally just a lot of fun to play.

If GTA4 had the features of San Andreas, it would be No.1 though, as I love driving around Liberty City.
Vice City had the best soundtrack though.
Yep I like the first 2 gtas. Well thats the only ones i ever played but my point still stands. oh and if you didn't know Rockstar are giving the PC versions of GTA 1 & 2 for free which makes it even better. Its @ http://www.rockstargames.com/classics
You can mod the cars in the pc versions like change the speed of the cars and if makes the game much more fun.

Sorry if it sounds like advertising but it ain't.
Vice City Stories. I'll go through the list.
  • Grand Theft Auto: An entertaining 2D game that can run on most, if not all, of the graveyard of PCs around here. It's old, but you can still have a few laughs playing it. Definitely good for its platform (PS1), but up against games like Metal Gear Solid... I'll take back the good for it's platform comment.
  • Grand Theft Auto 2: Tried to be better than GTA1 but failed. Didn't play much of it. Worst in series.
  • Grand Theft Auto III: Series favourite of a few people. This game was awesome for its time, and still is today. It was a more serious game than the first 2, was in 3D and at the same time was fun and not hyper-realistic (damnit gta4)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Series favourite of a LOT of people, and would be mine, but I loved Vice City Stories that bit more... Awesome setting. Awesome story. Awesome gameplay. No hyper-realism either. PC modding scene helped make this game (MULTIPLAYER??).
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: This is the GTA game that tried to be the sims. If I wanted a life simulator where my character could build up fitness, get fat, need to eat to surivive... god damn it, I'd buy the sims. This is NOT gta and never will be. Two player split-screen on the console a welcome addition, and saved this game from a "miserable failure" level like GTA2.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories: An awesome PSP game. 'nuff said. This game helped define what PSP games should be, fun and easy to pick-up-and-play. Extra points for exploit, and re-exploit (goofy lol)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories: Taking Vice City, some of the characters that defined the game, an awesome prequel story and some NEW features to the PSP was no easy task. But by god, they did it. Special thanks to the guys who ported the CheatDevice adding new dimensions to the game even after you take over the city and complete the story. Second best PSP game of all time. As for the best, another thread...
  • Grand Theft Auto 4: NOT THE WORST IN THE SERIES, that is a title held by GTA2 and probably GTA:SA too. It's fun, got a good storyline... but the city is too big, the gameplay too realistic... It's just not giving you the freedom that GTA:VC and GTA3 did. It isn't as fun. However, I'm getting it on PC.
I am a huge fan of the first, GTA. GTA London rocked, and GTA2. Then GTA3 killed it for me. if i wanna know about "gang" warfare and chav fights i will just pop into london.... yawn.
Eran said:
Vice City Stories. I'll go through the list.
  • Grand Theft Auto: An entertaining 2D game that can run on most, if not all, of the graveyard of PCs around here. It's old, but you can still have a few laughs playing it. Definitely good for its platform (PS1), but up against games like Metal Gear Solid... I'll take back the good for it's platform comment.
  • Grand Theft Auto 2: Tried to be better than GTA1 but failed. Didn't play much of it. Worst in series.
  • Grand Theft Auto III: Series favourite of a few people. This game was awesome for its time, and still is today. It was a more serious game than the first 2, was in 3D and at the same time was fun and not hyper-realistic (damnit gta4)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City: Series favourite of a LOT of people, and would be mine, but I loved Vice City Stories that bit more... Awesome setting. Awesome story. Awesome gameplay. No hyper-realism either. PC modding scene helped make this game (MULTIPLAYER??).
  • Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas: This is the GTA game that tried to be the sims. If I wanted a life simulator where my character could build up fitness, get fat, need to eat to surivive... god damn it, I'd buy the sims. This is NOT gta and never will be. Two player split-screen on the console a welcome addition, and saved this game from a "miserable failure" level like GTA2.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories: An awesome PSP game. 'nuff said. This game helped define what PSP games should be, fun and easy to pick-up-and-play. Extra points for exploit, and re-exploit (goofy lol)
  • Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories: Taking Vice City, some of the characters that defined the game, an awesome prequel story and some NEW features to the PSP was no easy task. But by god, they did it. Special thanks to the guys who ported the CheatDevice adding new dimensions to the game even after you take over the city and complete the story. Second best PSP game of all time. As for the best, another thread...
  • Grand Theft Auto 4: NOT THE WORST IN THE SERIES, that is a title held by GTA2 and probably GTA:SA too. It's fun, got a good storyline... but the city is too big, the gameplay too realistic... It's just not giving you the freedom that GTA:VC and GTA3 did. It isn't as fun. However, I'm getting it on PC.

now your confusing me

GTA SA is way better than GTA4
theres tons of reasons why
but i only need 1

and also

GTA2 blows doors off the original
San andreas (minus the ridiculous fitness and eating)

Slap together Vice city (storyline and soundtrack) and Gta IV (graphics and super physics) then you would have an epic game.