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Frontpage - What would YOU like to see?


New Member
I would like to see more personality on the front page, rather than just "news reporting"...

Makes reading this shit more interesting, especially when people can just goto Destructoid or Kotaku.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I would like to see more personality on the front page, rather than just "news reporting"...

I 100% agree with you on that. This is a pretty small operation, so it's very tough to go about getting people to write in that manner, or write at all. People express interest in writing for us, but that invariably fizzles out in a heartbeat.

The fact that the frontpage is blocked for me while at work doesn't help matters much as I would like to write some stuff up, but when I get home, I lose all motivation to do so.

That and the fact that paying people to write for us just isn't in the cards at the moment.


Active Member
This is why I suggested the retro game reviews, it's original and something a lot of people would be interested in.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I'm open for any and all ideas at this point in the site's life. Trying new things to see what has traction and what sticks is what I would love to see happening. Your idea is a perfect example of that.

The main industry news also needs to be reported though, so shying away from that all together is something I don't foresee happening.

Maybe one of you guys from the podcast team can try and get with one of those 1UP people who were fired for a quick interview.


New Member
I 100% agree with you on that. This is a pretty small operation, so it's very tough to go about getting people to write in that manner, or write at all. People express interest in writing for us, but that invariably fizzles out in a heartbeat.

The fact that the frontpage is blocked for me while at work doesn't help matters much as I would like to write some stuff up, but when I get home, I lose all motivation to do so.

That and the fact that paying people to write for us just isn't in the cards at the moment.
I would love to write, but it doesn't appear that i'd fit in with what they're trying to do.

I don't want to get paid, I just want to have a place where I can build a portfolio, since I would like to do this as a job in the future. Even though the place I wanted to ulitimately end up at just got taken to the wood shed >_>

Anyway, what I think needs to happen, is we take source, since this place is probably going to be getting it's stories from other websites and blogs, and put our own personal input on it, and not just reguritate the facts. This is both more enjoyable to read, but more importantly, it's more fair to the source we're citing. We need to give people a reason to read our site, but we also need to make sure people are visiting the source of the news.

The front page should be an aggregator for properly sourced news on the web, and it should also fuel discussion on the boards.

I think we should start making a thread for every news story on the forums, so people can have a place to discuss the news. Part of the blogging process, should be to ask questions, and fuel discussion or debate amongst the readers.

Once again, if I saw the site take this turn, I'd love to be a contributor, and I would love to help the site take that turn. I have a motivation to do this for free, so, I don't know... We'll see.

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
So start building that portfolio of work here then. I can set you up with a blog account and then you can start with your verbal diarrhea.