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Game Icon Submissions

I wanted to offer a compromise icon for these two games.
This is a png, but the size seems to be that the quality may have been reduced. In this version, the game logo is present, but it does not cover the picture itself.
I think this is the optimal game icon for Shadowguns Legends (for the Gplay version). There is a logo, a picture, olive branches from which the developers are delighted, and it is also clear that this is an android version.


  • Xenowerk.png
    161 KB · Views: 25
  • Shadowgun_legends.png
    241.2 KB · Views: 24
I wanted to offer a compromise icon for these two games.
This is a png, but the size seems to be that the quality may have been reduced. In this version, the game logo is present, but it does not cover the picture itself.
I think this is the optimal game icon for Shadowguns Legends (for the Gplay version). There is a logo, a picture, olive branches from which the developers are delighted, and it is also clear that this is an android version.
The Xenowerk icon is fine. The Shadowgun icon on the other hand isn't what we're looking for. The logo is tiny and we don't want other things stamped over the image like awards and such. It also doesn't need to be made clear that it's an Android game when we have platform tags.

Instead I've met you half way and used the same artwork with a larger logo, hope you find that more pleasing to look at.

I know I haven't gone over all the recent icon submissions yet, don't worry I'll get to them.

Also, just made icons for the Toy Story 2 games.
For anyone disappointed that the PS+ release doesn't have trophies we thankfully have Retro Achievements 😎👍

Screenshot 2022-06-26 193918.png
Triggerheart Exelica (RA Dreamcast)
View attachment 12201
Vampire: Master of Darkness (RA Master System)
View attachment 12202
Screenshot from the game.
Tap Titans (GPLAY)
View attachment 12203
View attachment 12204
Thanks for these.

A quick note on using pixel art for icons. Try to either use the art at the original size or use nearest-neighbour scaling in full multiples like 2x or 3x. While we do have recommended icon sizes in the guidelines, it's okay to go below them particularly for pixel art as the site does a good job scaling that.

So for Master of Darkness rather than using the icon you submitted, which is slightly blurred from scaling (though it's not too bad to be fair) I simply took the logo from the title screen, added some padding to the sides and then made it a square image. The site can crop icon uploads to the correct aspect ratio so you don't even have to worry about figuring that out, as long as you know it will fit.



I hope that was helpful!
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Weird, this game shows up on my switch as borderlands 2 goty edition, but on exo it shows as the handsome collection
Thanks for those, took care of them and Let's Go, Pikachu! too.

The Borderlands 2 issue is something for @x3sphere to look into, it might just be that the games are tracked together as one game, not sure.
Splatterhouse 2 (RA Genesis)
Splatterhouse 2 Icon.png


Splatterhouse 3 (RA Genesis)
Splatterhouse 3 Icon.png


VT Harmony - Visual Novel (GPlay)
VT Harmony.png


ECO : Falling Ball (GPlay)



No Humanity - The Hardest Game (GPlay)
No Humanity Icon.png


Miracle Merchant (GPlay)
Same pics 😅



PepeFrog is a pixel game about (GPlay)



Google Play Store seems limiting the length of game titles or maybe it's a bug XD, a lot of games with long title are truncated, it looks weird.
