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Getting a REALLY cheap netbook, need feedback


Just some dood
Well the thread title pretty much says it all. My laptop is beyond crap at this point (just so you have an idea, it was really crap to begin with, but now it overheats playing The Binding of Isaac).

So since I pretty much use my desktop for serious gaming, so I want a netbook that's able to run games from Good Old Games and most indie titles (along with Word processing).

I set my sights on a Asus Seashell 1015BX with the following specs:

  • Genuine Windows® 7 Starter
  • AMD® Fusion APU
    C60 1.0GHz (dual core) Processor
  • AMD® Radeon HD 6290
  • 1 GB DDR3 RAM (Upgradeable to 4GB)
Will this do for what I specified above? Feedback would be appriciated. I'm kinda budget restricted to 299€ so I can't ask for much better.​
Looks good to me. Just buy it and upgrade the RAM. That's what I did with my netbook.

Thanks, though I found out that this specific version of the Netbook doesn't allow RAM upgrade, so I'm looking into others atm. I will post back as soon as I find one that can.
Heh, I just found this one:

HP Mini 311c Specs:

  • 1.66 GHz Intel Atom Processor N280 (which people say can be OC'd safely up to 2,2GHz)
  • 1 GB RAM DDR3 (upgradeable to 3 or 4GB)
  • 160GB HDD (5600rpm)
  • nVidia ION GPU
I might get it for 195€ ($241)... New feedback if possible :p
The HP Mini would be a good choice. I actually chose that one for my roomate a few years back. I tried looking a lot yesterday but I hate looking for things not in US currency :p I had no luck but that's a good choice and a good price
The HP Mini would be a good choice. I actually chose that one for my roomate a few years back. I tried looking a lot yesterday but I hate looking for things not in US currency :p I had no luck but that's a good choice and a good price

Thanks. I'm getting so frustrated with my current laptop. I just installed xubuntu on it because it's lighter, and you know what was the temperature of my GPU when I checked it? 100ºC/212ºF. It's goddamn unreal. I had to open the laptop up to see if the air flows, and even then I only got it down to 80ºC/176ºF.


Edit: just opened Chrome and the temperature flew up again.
Before spending the money on a netbook why not try cleaning out your laptop? Most are just once large piece so once you remove the shell it's easy to clean out the dust.
Before spending the money on a netbook why not try cleaning out your laptop? Most are just once large piece so once you remove the shell it's easy to clean out the dust.

Already did that lots of times... It still heats up like crazy... and the GPU is a piece of crap. :P
So apparently the first netbook I had in mind does apparently allow for a RAM upgrade. Even if it's only expandible to a maximum of 2GB, it's good enough. But isn't the maximum of RAM allowed BIOS locked? If so, can't one patch the RAM to allow more?
Well the thread title pretty much says it all. My laptop is beyond crap at this point (just so you have an idea, it was really crap to begin with, but now it overheats playing The Binding of Isaac).

So since I pretty much use my desktop for serious gaming, so I want a netbook that's able to run games from Good Old Games and most indie titles (along with Word processing).

I set my sights on a Asus Seashell 1015BX with the following specs:

  • Genuine Windows® 7 Starter
  • AMD® Fusion APU

    C60 1.0GHz (dual core) Processor
  • AMD® Radeon HD 6290
  • 1 GB DDR3 RAM (Upgradeable to 4GB)
Will this do for what I specified above? Feedback would be appriciated. I'm kinda budget restricted to 299€ so I can't ask for much better.
Actually netbooks are useful for doing writing work or surfing online. About gaming I do not think it can handle such pressure. With 1 gb ram you would have a hard time opening lots of tabs also. Think twice then decide.