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God Talk


My friend, it isnt anything they said. Its just offensive to play music to the Qu'ran. Thats why Muslims dont do the whole choir thing that Christians do at church. Its also why that song was removed from LBP.
Look, kids. This entire thing is manufactured outrage. Some more extreme Muslims fluffed up the general Muslim community into a flurry over this, just like the did with the Danish caricatures of Mohammed. More reasonable Muslims have said that there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. Regardless of what the Qu'ran says, the music should have stayed in, and anyone who was offended could just not buy the game. It's really that simple.

That said, I don't think any religion should get special treatment just because it's a religion. I'm in favor of removing the tax-exempt privilege from all religious groups.

For the voice of my generation, I'd like to agree with Abe, but Jon Stewart isn't exactly our generation either; he's 20 years older than I am. If we're talking about someone of our generation, I have no clue who I'd pick; if we're talking about the person who reached our generation the best, I'll agree with Abe.

And yes, I'm 25. 26 in 10 days.


Look, scriptures from a holy book in a rap song DOES make it totally disrespectful. For example, think about the filth that can go on whilst a holy scripture is being read in a night club.


Meta Moose
Look, scriptures from a holy book in a rap song DOES make it totally disrespectful. For example, think about the filth that can go on whilst a holy scripture is being read in a night club.

Why is that of any concern to you? What someone does in their own time is their own business. Religion shouldn't govern someones actions if they don't follow that religion, should it? So what they do when 'listening' to your holy scriptures (you make it sound like whoever listens to these scriptures should be worshiping them, rather than simply listening to them in its most literal sense) is completely irrelevant as it affects you in no way whatsoever and causes no harm to fall upon others.


Why is that of any concern to you? What someone does in their own time is their own business. Religion shouldn't govern someones actions if they don't follow that religion, should it? So what they do when 'listening' to your holy scriptures (you make it sound like whoever listens to these scriptures should be worshiping them, rather than simply listening to them in its most literal sense) is completely irrelevant as it affects you in no way whatsoever and causes no harm to fall upon others.

Off topic: What do you mean why is it of any concern to me? Go do some research about our religion before you make such a comment.

Your right that religion should not govern someone who does not follow it, but the authors of that song should of at least had some common sense to the reactions they would receive from that all over the globe.


Meta Moose
Off topic: What do you mean why is it of any concern to me? Go do some research about our religion before you make such a comment.

Your right that religion should not govern someone who does not follow it, but the authors of that song should of at least had some common sense to the reactions they would receive from that all over the globe.

I mean it doesn't and shouldn't matter to you what someone does while listening to your holy scriptures because to them it is meaningless and they mean no direct disrespect in doing whatever actions they may be doing. And so due to this you shouldn't feel offended because those people are in no way trying to offend you or doing something, to them, that is offensive.

I'm basically saying that from their perspective they are doing nothing wrong, so why should they change what they are doing?


New Member
I think there are just certain social protocols. Like if i were to make a video of me urinating over a the star of david, i'm SURE they're would be a huge uproar. Its common sense, that this is disrespectful to certain people. It doesn't matter if its meaningless to me, its bad for other people. So i shouldn't do it.

Same applies with this, its not acceptable for a bunch of rappers to mix music and the Qu'ran.


Suck It
Pissing on something has a much more negatively symbolic meaning than say, playing music to something...

Edit - Why are people talking about this?


Look, scriptures from a holy book in a rap song DOES make it totally disrespectful. For example, think about the filth that can go on whilst a holy scripture is being read in a night club.
So clearly that's the fault of the musician, right?
I think there are just certain social protocols. Like if i were to make a video of me urinating over a the star of david, i'm SURE they're would be a huge uproar. Its common sense, that this is disrespectful to certain people. It doesn't matter if its meaningless to me, its bad for other people. So i shouldn't do it.
People who want to be offended will always be offended. That's not a reason not to express yourself the way you choose if you're not intending to be offensive.
Same applies with this, its not acceptable for a bunch of rappers to mix music and the Qu'ran.
You equate literally pissing on a religious symbol to using scripture in a song? Really? Come on. Get serious.
happy early B-day
why thank you :D
Pissing on something has a much more negatively symbolic meaning than say, playing music to something...

Edit - Why are people talking about this?
Because it's much more fun to masturbate in a group, I guess.


Hardcore Prawn
Like if i were to make a video of me urinating over a the star of david, i'm SURE they're would be a huge uproar

Its hard to compare urinating on a religious symbol to a harmless act of music in a game about a little cloth man.

and might i add the game you are saying insults your "religion" is in your signature.


Meta Moose
It's all too easy to insult a religion nowadays... people are looking to place blame on other people's ignorance of their religion when really, the ignorant people are the ones who can't see that their religion is their religion, what anyone else does shouldn't matter to them unless directly involved in an insult of that religion.


Suck It
It's all too easy to insult a religion nowadays... people are looking to place blame on other people's ignorance of their religion when really, the ignorant people are the ones who can't see that their religion is their religion, what anyone else does shouldn't matter to them unless directly involved in an insult of that religion.

I would have to agree. This is pretty much how I stand. There's a distinct line between being disrespectful to ones religion (either verbally putting it down, or being universally disrespectful for example by physically pissing on a significant symbol of that religion), and doing something without knowing it indirectly affects some particular group. But really anything else shouldn't affect you as it isn't meant to be disrespectful in the first place. Simply ignore it if you find it disrespectful. It shouldn't affect you or matter to you in any way. Another example being, having Christmas trees displayed is apparently "offensive" to other religious groups. That is friggin ridiculous. Deal with it, and don't let it get to you...


Meta Moose
I would have to agree. This is pretty much how I stand. There's a distinct line between being disrespectful to ones religion (either verbally putting it down, or being universally disrespectful for example by physically pissing on a significant symbol of that religion), and doing something without knowing it indirectly affects some particular group. But really anything else shouldn't affect you as it isn't meant to be disrespectful in the first place. Simply ignore it if you find it disrespectful. It shouldn't affect you or matter to you in any way. Another example being, having Christmas trees displayed is apparently "offensive" to other religious groups. That is friggin ridiculous.
Yeah... a couple of shops in my town have had complaints about Christmas trees. I mean, that's just searching for something to complain about. That's another persons religious object, and you are asking them to remove it? Umm, as far as I know, in my book, THAT is disrespect.


New Member
Its hard to compare urinating on a religious symbol to a harmless act of music in a game about a little cloth man.

and might i add the game you are saying insults your "religion" is in your signature.

Kind sir, when did i ever say that LittleBigPlanet offended my religion?

I was one of the very few people on this board, saying that the removal of the song was unnecessary. Its a fantastic game and Media Molecule were incredibly tasteful to remove the song.

Dont get me wrong, i'm not one of these nutjobs that just hates anything that could be slightly offending. I'm quite leaneant. But there is a line and that lines be crossed by putting text from the Qu'ran into a rap song.


Why do you think that your religious beliefs should be followed by people who don't follow your religion?

You want your holy text kept out of songs? Don't put it in your own music. Muslims have no right to tell a non-Muslim that they must follow Islamic codes.


Your resident psycho hobo
Why do you think that your religious beliefs should be followed by people who don't follow your religion?

You want your holy text kept out of songs? Don't put it in your own music. Muslims have no right to tell a non-Muslim that they must follow Islamic codes.

true, but it was most likely removed more out of "we dont want to lose their sells" than respecting a religious view.


Meta Moose
They should stop viewing the world as a Religious entity. Not everyone believes in a religion so not everyone will want to follow rules set out by a religion they don't follow. Why should someone change their own lifestyle to fit in with another? They shouldn't... and making them do so is wholly unkind and unthoughtful. If you become offended by someone putting a Christmas tree up, then what should stop me from being offended when I see someone wearing something that is holy to them? I would never ask someone to remove an item that means something to them and their religion, so neither should anyone else.

I completely respect other religions and their beliefs, but when they start meddling with what I believe (or don't) then do I too have the right to ask them as someone who may follow another religion to their own, that I want them to remove anything that is holy to them from my sight because it offends me? Obviously I would never do this... but I am just speculating.


New Member
Why do you think that your religious beliefs should be followed by people who don't follow your religion?

You want your holy text kept out of songs? Don't put it in your own music. Muslims have no right to tell a non-Muslim that they must follow Islamic codes.

Fair enough. But then why would you want to use text from the Qu'ran that says; "There is only one God, and that is Allah" if you dont believe in the religion?

It makes no sense. If you dont want to abide by its rules, why are you submitting to its God? I understand where your coming from, its just a bit odd to not want to follow a religions laws, but instead recite/play/listen to its lines.


Meta Moose
Fair enough. But then why would you want to use text from the Qu'ran that says; "There is only one God, and that is Allah" if you dont believe in the religion?

It makes no sense. If you dont want to abide by its rules, why are you submitting to its God? I understand where your coming from, its just a bit odd to not want to follow a religions laws, but instead recite/play/listen to its lines.

If I look at a picture of Jesus on the cross, or say that someones necklace which is a cross is nice, I'm not necessarily Christian, am I?