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Google Play Games


New Member
Hello, I am a new user of exophase. From what I understand, not all games are tracked by exophase. Is this so? I have been playing Score!Hero, on my phone but it never appears in my profile. I have done manual syncing, to same results. The game appears in my Play Games profile but not exophase. May I know when it will be added? Thank you.
You have this game on your Gplay profile. "Handsheikh" right? You have 5/83 achievements. The last date of the game is February 24, 2020.
You may be playing without signing in with Google Play Games. You can check this in the game settings. ⚙️-🔧. I mean the settings in the game Score! hero.
Yep, now your profile shows what you played today. You can check. But the achievement statistics are the same 5/83.
Yep I just saw. I guess I was a bit too impatient, had to wait for automatic scans, and yeah the achievements are correct, I havent earned any new achievements.