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Google Voice


Well-Known Member
Just got an invite. Too bad "Google Voice is not available in your country." :argh:


New Member
I don't know if Google Voice invites are still scarce, but I have 3 if anybody wants one.


MD Party Room
So after a few months of using google voice I can safely say I love it, it adds a whole new world of convinces. Text come in faster on my google voice place then they do on my phone. As good as I am with tough screens and my Epic keyboarded, I seem to use my computer for most of my replys for texts. The google Voice chrome extension is the real key to all this, it makes a loud Ping sound that I can hear over my music that I would have never otherwise heard from my phone, and since im always on chrome I reply to a text right away. Also in place there no 3g but there wifi I just turn on the wifi and text while most of my cant text at all.There are a few nitpicks tho, there not group messaging still! Also it doesnt merger all your chats from one person it just makes a whole new thread, making it a little diffident to to find past convo for the person your currently talking to. Also sending a text is kinda slow it takes a whole 4 secs to send a short text from the google voice app and that can be cumbersome. Also voicemail does stag a bit on your phone and you cant have a really long greatting.

So anyone still useing this great google service.


Active Member
I use it exclusively for my texting and my calls. I only pay for a data plan which saves me the $25 unlimited texting would normally charge. It's great.


MD Party Room
I dont think I understand, how can you have a smartphone but not have your data bundled with phone and text. All the company here make you get a voice and text plan when you get a smart phone. Sprint,Tmoble, Verizon and ATT


Active Member
I have an old contract so I imagine that's why it was an option. I only pay for data right now and got it awhile back so it's still unlimited.

El Diablo

What exactly is google voice? Is it like a skype type number you can link to your phone number or something and instead use that + data for all of your phone calls and texts and apparently use it on your PC too? Is there any way I could get an invite to try it out?