Meta Moose
The MfM Guide to the Playstation Portable
If you have any queries concerning this guide or are looking for help with hacking the PSP or with interpreting this guide, please look here.

If you have any queries concerning this guide or are looking for help with hacking the PSP or with interpreting this guide, please look here.
- An Introduction to the PSP PSP Specifications and Info
- Frequently Asked Questions FAQ
- Firmwares Installation and FAQ
- TimeMachine Installation and FAQ
- Pandoras Battery Installation and FAQ
- Opening the PSP Classic In-Depth Guide (PSP-1000)
- Recommended Homebrew Some of the best homebrew must-haves
- Installing homebrew/plugins A short guide on installing homebrew on all PSP models
- Kernel Explanation What kernel is best for you and why...
- Running Backed-Up Games Compression Guide Included
- Running PSX Games On Your PSP In-Depth Guide
- 5.03 HEN Installation and FAQ
- Custom Firmware Enablers Installation and FAQ
Hello, welcome to The Ultimate PSP Guide. If you are new to the PSP homebrew scene, here is where you will want to start off. We will guide you through most - if not all - of the basics and as much advanced knowledge as we believe necessary for you to step out of the world of the newbies and into the realm of the knowing. If you are not familiar with the workings of the PSP, don't fret, we will cover every aspect of the PSP's hardware and software, how to hack it and how to make the best use of your console. If ever you don't understand something feel free to create your own thread in the forum asking for help and you can be safe in knowing that we have a great community that is willing to help you out, whatever the problem.
All credits for this guide go to the M for Mature forums and its members!
An extra thanks goes to Bubbletune and KezraPlanes.
SOURCES:, (and its members),,,,,,
Please ignore any shoddy parts of this guide, they will be fixed/completed soon!
All credits for this guide go to the M for Mature forums and its members!
An extra thanks goes to Bubbletune and KezraPlanes.
SOURCES:, (and its members),,,,,,
Please ignore any shoddy parts of this guide, they will be fixed/completed soon!