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Gun Control


New Member
So posting some obscure random statistics which make guns look good in America is fighting my concrete national homicide average statistics while also incorporating a successfully gun controlled Canada?

no but i decided to at least post that because I have no real time to make a longer more well thought out post atm.
but anywho, read this Gun Facts - Your guide for debunking gun control myth and tell me what you think.


New Member
New York Population: 19 297 729
New York Homicide Rate/100 000 population (2006): 4.8 @ 921 murders in total
New York City Population: 8 274 527
New York City Homicide Rate/100 000 population (2005): 6.6 @ 539 murders in total
Find me some stats from pre gun ban please.

Quite clearly you can see that gun control DOES help. Murder rates are in fact lower. Now I know that this data doesn't reflect murders committed with a weapon, but I think it's safe to assume that the majority of these homicides were.
If you don't know how many were committed with a weapon then how do you know gun control helps?


New Member
Most crime with a gun doesn't end up in murder; in tight gun control areas, robbery is common and the civilian can't do shit about it. In areas where guns are allowed, criminal jumps dude, dude pulls gun, criminal goes oh shit and shoots dude.

Also, please go back and read my last big post. I don't think anybody has acknowledged or replied to its points.