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How change timestamp?


New Member
I started in softcore mode but would like in new hardcore timestamps. My guess is that if I delete from Exophase the game I am playing on RetroAchievement and then do a new scan, I will have the current timestamps. I'm not sure though and I don't want to lose it forever, does it work that way?


Active Member
You may want to wait doing anything, because:
Adding support for display of Hardcore unlocks is planned, along with a separate leaderboard for Hardcore/Softcore.

We'll likely have a setting in preferences that users can toggle - that will be the default unlock type shown for their profile. I haven't worked out exactly how we'll distinguish it yet, but maybe if you select Hardcore in the settings, then non-Hardcore completions will get a white completion icon rather than the yellow.
From an earlier thread called "Would it be possible to show normal and hardcore mode achievements?".


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
To clarify, do you want to retain the softcore timestamps at all or are you just concerned about losing the game on here?

If you delete the game then rescan, you're correct that it will replace the timestamps with the hardcore ones. The game will reappear after a rescan so it's fine to do that. However if you want to keep the softcore timestamps then you are better off waiting as Retodon8 said.