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I'm online now, WHOOOOO!


But I was committed after that birthday party...
I decided to stop being such a cheap bastard and throw down my $8 a month and get an XBL Gold account. My gamertag is, as you can assume, Cheezeball99.:laugh: I'll be on Halo 3, usually on Ranked Matches>Team Slayer, so if anyone wants a piece, bring it. I have no headset:sad: but I'mma get one soon.


cheezeball , add me .. FAM4S . what lvl and rank are you and whats your armor mix , mines EVA helmet , CQB shoulders and hayabusa chest :D i'll get screen soon


Soon to be hardware mod
Went to my buddies house to play it tonight is pretty fun. First time ever playing any Halo except for once or wice for an hour a couple of years ago I was in tp 2 like everytime :)


Cheeze , wanna find skulls later today . I really want to unlock hayabusa armor