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In a bit of a game picking pickle... (360 only plz)

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The Groove Jesus
I am having a tough time picking which game to buy out of the three. Which one do you pick. I know that it may be obvious to some of you, but I know that not everyone is the same. What is your destiny???
Gears of War 2 would be my take.
That would be a hard choice for me but i'd have to go with fallout 3. I've logged more hours into that then probably any game released in the past year
Darth Budd said:
banjo kazooie

Have you got it? I was going to download it but it looks too different from the 2 other games that I know and love to pieces.

Anyawy, I'd say Fallout 3 unless you are heavy on multiplayer so in that case get GoW2. The new CoD isn't that good (except Nazi Zombies, how awesome is that?).
twelve said:
None of the games really appeal to me, out of the 3 I'd go for Gears 2 though.

If you experienced any pleasure while playing Oblivion, you would love Fallout. It has basically everything that was fun about Oblivion and none of the boring stuff.

@Chef - I've got all three games, and you can log in a lot of hours on all of them if you want. I know you weren't a big Gears fan Chef, so I would say go with Fallout. But it's not a game for everyone though. It's wide open and you can do and go anywhere you want. You can just stick to the main quest and plow through it or you can spend 80 hours and search for side quests.

I got about 1/10th of the way through the 1st level of CoD last night and then kept getting peppered with invites to go an d play Gears. There is a ton of more stuff to do online with Gears this go around, with Horde being the anchor. It's fun, frantic, and when I play it, i imagine it would be what Left 4 Dead is going to be like at certain times when you are surrounded by enemies and your squad is dropping and needs to be revived. Even playing Horde on Casual will test your skills. If you start on Insane, forget about it.

Since you were big time into Fable when we played that co-op, I would say rent Fallout and if it tickles your fancy, then buy it. If it doesn't, go with Gears.
Abe Froeman said:
If you experienced any pleasure while playing Oblivion, you would love Fallout. It has basically everything that was fun about Oblivion and none of the boring stuff.
I know. I've actually started warming to Fallout 3 since it has come out. Only thing putting me off is the amount of bugs in all 3 versions.
twelve said:
I know. I've actually started warming to Fallout 3 since it has come out. Only thing putting me off is the amount of bugs in all 3 versions.

I haven't hit any bugs in the 360 version at all. I read stuff about items disappearing, but came to the conclusion that those people didn't save their game after unloading their inventory and shutting down.

I think you're splitting hairs if it's a few bugs that are what's keeping you away. It's a very cool game, and worth giving a try, bugs or no bugs.
I'm not a huge gears of war fan. I've played it a few times at my buddies house, but it never really grabbed my attention or made me want to go out and get a 360 just because of it. With the next installment, I'm sure gears of war 2 has made dramatic improvements to every aspect of the game, but unfortunately the whole concept as well as the gameplay itself just doesn't grab me.
My vote goes to Fallout 3. You can pump hours upon hours into that game and it's a tons of fun.
twelve said:
I know. I've actually started warming to Fallout 3 since it has come out. Only thing putting me off is the amount of bugs in all 3 versions.
If you can get the pirated PC version, then apply the 'finalfix' by Skullptura. I have it applied and the game runs better than what it did with the official patch. No crashes, even when alt-tabbing out of the game.

Anyway, get Fallout 3. Longer game than the others you listed.
Thank all of you for your input. I will pass on CoD5.

But still, I love Oblivion so Fallout 3 would be my choice for single player, but I really need a good multiplayer game that A LOT of the M4M members would play. I guess sticking with CoD4 would be an idea, but most of you are busy with GoW2, so I don't know really.
Gow 2 story is pretty average. The end boss is pathetic. I say go with fallout.

Unless you wna mod your xbox then you could download fallout (its single player anyway) and buy gears 2.
OK, I bought Fallout 3. I just went with this choice because I had an awesome time with Oblivion. I will get GoW2 some other time.

Please close the thread. No need of it. (I miss closing your own threads)
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