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Internet Explorer 8 Now Out


Suck It
Cool, thanks


Your resident psycho hobo
any idea how long it will be till it is pushed by win update?


MD Party Room


New Member
I don't really see any speed difference, maybe just a little. And it fails the acid test, horribly:

The Acid3 Test



New Member
Some things, like Netflix watch now and Battlefield Heroes require IE, so it's not bad to have a fast and stable version of it on your computer.


I'm not dead
Wait... people still use Internet Explorer? I thought it was just a myth, like Bigfoot.
Most PC owners don't know any better, I've put firefox on all the PCs in my house and told my parents to use it but they still use IE as it's what they know.

Most workplaces (and schools) also lock down the browser so IE is the only one that can be used. It makes workstation patching (not windows update as that's commonly disabled too) and enterprise virus updates much easier if there is a standard platform to work with.
My college is epic, we still use IE6.
IE6 is what we use at work for a lot of dedicated monitoring apps. Things like IBM Tivoli and Quest Foglight don't like IE7 for some reason.


Active Member
Some things, like Netflix watch now and Battlefield Heroes require IE, so it's not bad to have a fast and stable version of it on your computer.

They're probably just User Agent sniffing, have you tried spoofing your user agent?

I don't really see any speed difference, maybe just a little. And it fails the acid test, horribly:

The Acid3 Test


Acid tests very few situations that happen in the wild, it's an almost useless test.


Suck It
This version of IE is a slight improvement over 7, still not as fast as some competing browsers though. Although I did see some comparison video (done by Microsoft ofcourse) which did tests against Firefox & Chrome, and IE beat them in nearly every test. I for one don't use firefox, I really dislike it. Chrome is still my default as of now.


MD Party Room
This may be just me,but I really cant tell the difference in speed on any browsers,they all seem to load in about the same time.