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Is Xenforo plugin possible for Epic games?


New Member
As you know, some forums use exophase to display gamer tags ids etc on profile. If you hover over it it'll show your gamercard.
Screenshot_20220913-212013_Samsung Internet.jpg
Could this be added to epic games as well?
My first thought was to tell you to ask the people behind those forums, the people behind the Xenforo forum software, and that's still part of it.
I then realized those websites probably use the anonymouse gamercards from https://gamercards.exophase.com/
That doesn't have one for Epic Games, so that would be up to the Exophase developers to add first.
When you have an Exophase account, you get a lot more options for your gamercard, but the forums don't automatically have access to those.
Should be able to generate an Epic card using this link, replacing USERNAME with your Epic username:


i.e. https://card.exophase.com/epic/x3sphere.png

The original author of that plugin may have to update it, but should be a simple change.

Edit: Oh, I just realized though, in order for that link to work they need to first sign-in through Epic on here and authorize the app. There's not a way around that - that's why the sign-in is required when linking for the first time.
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That's a nice URL. I edited the form's HTML to acces some unlisted cards (figured I shouldn't advertise that), didn't know you could just use a prettier URL like that and skip the hassle. :)

Edit: I can't get the Xbox one to work with a gamertag with a space (%20) in it.
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That's a nice URL. I edited the form's HTML to acces some unlisted cards (figured I shouldn't advertise that), didn't know you could just use a prettier URL like that and skip the hassle. :)

Edit: I can't get the Xbox one to work with a gamertag with a space (%20) in it.

It should work with spaces in the URL unless something else is preventing the gamertag from being added like privacy settings.

This one works for example: https://card.exophase.com/xbox/Franco 4 127hrs.png

What is the gamertag?

Strange, it works fine now. Before it generated an image saying something like "User could not be found". I double checked then, tried with "%20" and a space character. Maybe it was a time-out kind of thing, or I managed to make and miss a mistake somehow.