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I guess I haven't done one yet...

So hey, I'm known as JordanBlack68 on other forums (as Jordan wasn't available)

Not else to say really ha ha ... Also I have to say, good job to EvilSeph. I was one of them that doubted him being an Admin and stepping in, but I guess it was a good decision as he has really been working hard on the forums (as well as other staff members) so good job :tup: Never seen anyone put so much effort into a forum.

So yeah, I think I should be more active.:evil:


Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
Glad to hear that Evil's hard work is being appreciated. He has been busting his ass working on the forum as well as the frontpage.


Welcome Jordan! :)

Thanks for the kind words. I know you're not the only one who doubted my involvement but I like it when people think something of me and I get to prove them wrong :)

It's not only bad management that drives me, and the rest of the staff, to make M for Mature the best thing possible, but those that doubt us and underestimate us. We truly care about our our site, our community and I think we've shown this from the day we opened.

While it may not be rare for the staff of a community and/or site to care this much, it seems - unfortunately and quite sadly - common that the Management or Administration don't seem to care at all. The Admins are always on and always working but, most importantly, the Admins are also a part of the community. This, I believe, is how a community should be run.

Hope you enjoy your stay :). Oh and, try and not to get banned ;)


Shockingly Delicious
I'm sure I won't get banned :p. I have turned over a new leaf. I'm really impressed with the staff. Keep it up :tup:

First thing that popped into my head