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Just got my Dreamcast up and running!


I'm not dead
A lot of games are simply download and burn, and If I remember there was a way to downsample music and video to allow the higher density games to fit on a CD-Rom, due to the GD-Rom being double the density of a standard CD-Rom.
It's not the density that's any different, it's the way the disc is read. Rather than the disc spinning faster as the laser moves out from the centre (as a normal CD) the disc spins at a constant rate allowing more data to fit in the same amount of space.

IIRC the maximum capacity was around 1.2GB so it was almost double the capacity of a CD without actually changing anything physically. Which is pretty clever, until you remember that DVD was available...


It's hard to find a rip of that that works. Or it was last time I tried.

why? i have a copy of the retail game sitting in my closet somewhere, awesom game.


So what's the best site to learn about getting roms and emulators loaded on this thing? Is it all disc based or do you install a HD or something? I can't get onto most sites since I'm at work to find out if the content is good or not, etc.

If you still need help with that, i got an DC emulator working recently so i could give you some working links.


wow, i remember when that was still in beta and they were still having problems with the DC menu. Ill look into it. Maybe i dont have to get another DC to play powerstone on the big screen.