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LED Controller


Active Member
well i've been trying to create a working plugin for some time now, i think it was when i first released flash spacer i was googling for samples to look at, and now after months of studying the SDK i have made a simple plugin to activate/deactivate the LED's.

I would ask you to leave comments and feedback.

press L and R to activate/deactivate the LED's

LED Controller
Does this effect power consumption at all as reduces it by turning off all the leds?

If you could create a powersaver plugin that would be a great +, maybe disconnect the UMD, LEDS etc etc not sure what but i know when i am away from home without a charging source power is the number #1 issue.
lol, well if you want that, use torches hold thingy lol
but that was an idea
Yeah but his is more geared towards a music player, i never play any music on my psp.
alright, when i get some free time i'll see what i can do :)
That would be very cool if you could get that to work out.

Good luck