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Magical Mystery Salvia Tour (Videos too!)


Since there has been a lot of drug talk on these forums lately, I thought I would share my experiences on what I tried last weekend. That would be the magical plant, Salvia.

THIS DRUG IS LEGAL. Just for anyone who doesn't know. It can be bought at any bong store.

Six or seven friends of mien all went up to a cottage and had some drinks, and we were all pretty drunk when my friend suggested smoking salvia. So we went off into a room by our selfs to do some. I took three tokes, the third one being massive, and holding it in for a very long time. By the time I exhaled, I was completed out of this world.

I had about three stages to the trip. Half of the second one and the third were caught on film. A shitty cell phone camera, but its still lulz. I plan on doing it again sometime this week and we are going to document it all with a nice camera. Will upload results.

Here, I'm going to describe my trip in the best way I can.

When I exhaled, I left earth. I wasn't human. I was some sort of spirit watching different situations. Think of an amazingly intense dream, but 100 times crazier. I didn't know who I was, where I was, or have any concept of time whatsoever. Bare with me as I describe this next part. I watched different situations of stories, back to back. I can't remember any of them, but each one of them had control of the other, but didn't know there was a power beyond theirs. I saw about one of these per second. They kept looping and each one was getting more intense with a higher power. It got really overwhelming and then it finally stopped and I was one half of the earth looking at everything. Keep in mind im still not human. Then I realized the room was the whole Universe, lulz.

I started going through time warps, imagining how everything was created and stuff. Part 1 felt like it took "32000" years but apparently it only took 10 minutes. I started comprehending what was going around me. The first time I saw a face I recognized, I just started screaming "nooooOoo!!". I realized that I smoked salvia at this point and fell off the bed. I began painting textures and building mountains with my hands, thinking I had the power of god, or jesus. Which is strange how I made biblical reference, since im an atheist. I see from a video I was just rubbing and pointing at a blanket on the floor yelling stuff. I began asking what year it was, because I was still wondering where and when I was. I wrote stuff on paper and on my arm. Apparently it was the meaning of life, but when I saw it the next morning it was all scribbles. Too bad, lol.

Salvia Doesn't usual last this long. This part is from 30 mins in to about an hour and a half. I think it was because I had been drinking a lot and smoking other things.. or if it just lasts longer in some people. I will find out next trip. Anyways, in this part, I found out who i was, and could have conversations about what was going on. I was done with time travel and stuff but the feeling was still crazy. The rest of the time was spent going ape shit over cool art and listening to mgmt.

I would recommend doing this to anyone with a positive personality. I hear it can go bad if you are depressed or anything. I can't wait to do it again.




cant fux widdit
Don't make the videos private dude.

You're supposed to hold Salvia tokes until your vision goes, then exhale. Same with Nitrous.
It's vicious out of a bong.

I had the chance to smoke it in Ireland but I opted out, but when I got back to Manchester I went out and bought some.

Bong hits are vicious but get you nice and..ruined. Joints burn too hot for my liking when they contain Salvia.

MY experiences differ from laughing until I gagged then crying. To thinking that the camera was a black hole so I started to beat up my friends, turns out I missed with every single punch.


Active Member
I have done a hell of a lot of drugs and I think Salvia is one of the biggest fucking head fucks there is. On acid, or shrooms I know what's going on, on salvia I enter another world.

All in all though it's not on my top list, but I do like to smoke it from time to time as nothing else is like it.

Also if you're not bonging Salvia you're wasting your time and money.

Also interesting fact for you, salvia is (to my knowledge) the only drug that the more you take the more it effects you, so if you smoke a couple of rips one night and a couple the next and so on you will get more fucked up each night.


Los Doyers!
Salvia is one heck of a drug.

That actually makes you see things, which I thought was not true and people over-exaggerate, but man when I did it, I thought I was in something along Alice in Wonderland, but more scary.

It is quite expensive here though compared to weed. But I like the fact I can walk to my local tobacco shop and be able to pick up some of this.


cant fux widdit
Serideth said:
Also interesting fact for you, salvia is (to my knowledge) the only drug that the more you take the more it effects you, so if you smoke a couple of rips one night and a couple the next and so on you will get more fucked up each night.

That is pretty cool, thanks for the tip Serideth!
I have built quite a strong dependency against weed now so that's quite useful.


Active Member
Salvia is a pretty fucked up drug. You read a story about it and you're like "whaaat? Nah no way, that's made up", well fuck me I was never so wrong.


Los Doyers!
I do 60x salvia but my and some buddies are going to get 120x this friday after we go to Venice beach.


I don't do this kinda stuff, but this one kid I talked to said that he was a train in Thomas the Tank Engine taking kids to school. He also said it was really bad for you, worse than (i think he said) LSD...

Jim Beam

Someone get me a drink!
I've never tried it but really want to, some of the stories you hear sound mint! What strength would you recommend to someone who has never done it before? I've tried mushrooms before and am usually pretty strong mentally when it comes to drugs.


Active Member
I've never tried it but really want to, some of the stories you hear sound mint! What strength would you recommend to someone who has never done it before? I've tried mushrooms before and am usually pretty strong mentally when it comes to drugs.

Stick to weed and ecstasy. If you have a bad trip:argh:


Active Member
The trips only last 5 minutes, if you've got someone there too you'll be fine. Ecstasy can give some of the nasty hangovers known to man, I wouldn't touch the stuff.

He also said it was really bad for you, worse than (i think he said) LSD...

No, it makes you trip harder than LSD. Salvia is harmless.


Active Member
The trips only last 5 minutes, if you've got someone there too you'll be fine. Ecstasy can give some of the nasty hangovers known to man, I wouldn't touch the stuff.

That's if you take it about every day. Unlike Salvia you will need more the next day. My friend take's about 3 pill's to feel what I feel with 1. Now if you need to take more than 2 pill's you are gonna get fucked up.

Jim Beam

Someone get me a drink!
Kets fuck all, I used to take it all the time at uni. Was in a k hole almost daily :p

It's funny, weed is the only drug I've really found that can properly fuck with my head. Quite weird how I can down 10 pills and a gram of K and be fine but a couple of drags on a joint can send me west.


Active Member
Kets fuck all, I used to take it all the time at uni. Was in a k hole almost daily :p

It's funny, weed is the only drug I've really found that can properly fuck with my head. Quite weird how I can down 10 pills and a gram of K and be fine but a couple of drags on a joint can send me west.

I'm calling bullshit, or you got ripped off.