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360 Modded Xbox + Xbox Live Marketplace: Question

Guess what, IMGBurn says that my recorder doesn't support 2x/2.4x and burns the disk at 4x automatically. I am screwed xD

Haha, unlucky. Oh well, how bad does it sound?

Anyway, ROBBY! Need some advice... Just flashed to stock, updated the 360 to 13146, flashed to LT+ 1.9... Now I'm being prompted with a system update again. What do I do?!

EDIT: I found out what it was.
Updates put some files on the storage device in use. Since my HDD wasn't in, when I updated it put them on my USB stick. Since it wasn't in when I turned the 360 on, it prompted me for an update to install the files it thought was missing when I plugged the USB stick in and tried to sign in. I restarted the 360 with the USB stick in and no update prompt.
Haha, unlucky. Oh well, how bad does it sound?

Anyway, ROBBY! Need some advice... Just flashed to stock, updated the 360 to 13146, flashed to LT+ 1.9... Now I'm being prompted with a system update again. What do I do?!

EDIT: I found out what it was.
Updates put some files on the storage device in use. Since my HDD wasn't in, when I updated it put them on my USB stick. Since it wasn't in when I turned the 360 on, it prompted me for an update to install the files it thought was missing when I plugged the USB stick in and tried to sign in. I restarted the 360 with the USB stick in and no update prompt.

Weird, when I had my HDD out, it actually complained that it couldn't update because there was no HDD. Didn't you get that same message?
Weird, when I had my HDD out, it actually complained that it couldn't update because there was no HDD. Didn't you get that same message?

Nah, it's fine if you have a 360 configured USB stick in :)
Nah, it's fine if you have a 360 configured USB stick in :)

Mine wasn't so I guess that's why I got the message. I need to buy a new outer box for my 360. Any ideas where I can get one? And can I upgrade the HDD without having to buy an official one?
Anyways, my xbox doesn't make different noises when playing legit games and backups. My drive is a Liteon 9 series. I use memorex disc and burn all my games at 4x
Best thing about having a modded xbox is being able to play games that get leaked. Being able to enjoy something others can't is always pleasing.

Man I got a bunch of xbox cases in my closet... I have maybe 5 xboxs, 3 are modded and just sit there and 2 are broken but I keep them for parts.

EDIT - Before you could have bought a 250 WD harddrive and use it on the xbox after flashing it with a xbox hdd file but microsoft released a update that blocked it I think. Not quite sure on the status of that.
Mine wasn't so I guess that's why I got the message. I need to buy a new outer box for my 360. Any ideas where I can get one? And can I upgrade the HDD without having to buy an official one?

In Portugal, no idea really... I like Robby have some lying around but can't really get them to you :P Try ebay maybe? What's wrong with your case?

Anyways, my xbox doesn't make different noises when playing legit games and backups. My drive is a Liteon 9 series. I use memorex disc and burn all my games at 4x
Best thing about having a modded xbox is being able to play games that get leaked. Being able to enjoy something others can't is always pleasing.

Man I got a bunch of xbox cases in my closet... I have maybe 5 xboxs, 3 are modded and just sit there and 2 are broken but I keep them for parts.

EDIT - Before you could have bought a 250 WD harddrive and use it on the xbox after flashing it with a xbox hdd file but microsoft released a update that blocked it I think. Not quite sure on the status of that.

Mine's a Liteon 8, the nice kind that I don't have to open up ^.^
I do enjoy playing games early, finished Portal 2 SP and Co-op before it came out, then bought it on Steam and did it all again xD
Obviously I play them on my banned 360.

And as far as I'm aware, you have to buy an official HDD if you want more space... My advise would be get a large USB stick instead, and keep the current HDD. My 360 currently has a 120GB HDD that came with it and a 32GB USB stick which I've given about 10GB to the 360. Got it for
In Portugal, no idea really... I like Robby have some lying around but can't really get them to you :P Try ebay maybe? What's wrong with your case?

Well long story short. I got this Xbox about almost 2 years ago when an old friend came over and said: "I have these two broken Xbox', make one work and you can keep the other." And so I did. I kept the one that had the RRoD and thought to myself, "I'll fix it later" and stuffed it inside the closet. Ever since then I've made ONE try to fix the RRoD, that was the penny trick. Didn't work, so it got stuffed back inside the closet. Last week a bud told me of the towel trick and I thought "what the well, might as well try it" and to my grea surprise it fixed the 360 :| So as you can imagine the outer box of the Xbox is pretty broken for all the negligence I've given it over the years.

Hey, I have to hand it over to MS though, even if the hardware is prone to failure it is sturdy as all hell. :P
Well long story short. I got this Xbox about almost 2 years ago when an old friend came over and said: "I have these two broken Xbox', make one work and you can keep the other." And so I did. I kept the one that had the RRoD and thought to myself, "I'll fix it later" and stuffed it inside the closet. Ever since then I've made ONE try to fix the RRoD, that was the penny trick. Didn't work, so it got stuffed back inside the closet. Last week a bud told me of the towel trick and I thought "what the well, might as well try it" and to my grea surprise it fixed the 360 :| So as you can imagine the outer box of the Xbox is pretty broken for all the negligence I've given it over the years.

Hey, I have to hand it over to MS though, even if the hardware is prone to failure it is sturdy as all hell. :P

O.o fair enough.
That's not going to last long with the towel trick, by the way... I take it it's completely out of warranty now?
Your best bet would be trying the X-clamp fix, that has longest lasting results with RROD 360s.

I have a story vaguely similar to that... A friend at my schools 360 RROD'd, so I asked if I could have it to see if I could fix it or whatever. When he brought it in to school, I looked at the warranty and saw it was still within the 3 years, so not being a prick I told him this and said he could just send it to Microsoft to get repaired. He said nah don't worry I've already bought a new one. So I sent it to Microsoft, and since then have flashed it and it's been sat in my room for months. Really ought to sell it.
O.o fair enough.
That's not going to last long with the towel trick, by the way... I take it it's completely out of warranty now?
Your best bet would be trying the X-clamp fix, that has longest lasting results with RROD 360s.

I have a story vaguely similar to that... A friend at my schools 360 RROD'd, so I asked if I could have it to see if I could fix it or whatever. When he brought it in to school, I looked at the warranty and saw it was still within the 3 years, so not being a prick I told him this and said he could just send it to Microsoft to get repaired. He said nah don't worry I've already bought a new one. So I sent it to Microsoft, and since then have flashed it and it's been sat in my room for months. Really ought to sell it.

I believe the penny trick will do the xclamp thing for a while, for a guy as broke as I am, it really is the cheapest and most reliable option. Plus I don't think it will RRoD anytime soon since I don't game during VERY long periods of time, which seems to be the n
Sorry for double posting, but I have another question this time related to backwards compatibility.

I have unearthed three games from the original Xbox I once had and tried putting it on my Xbox and although they were detected the games didn't really work =\ I check on a list @ Wikipedia and it seems at least one of them should work but the Xbox just says that it isn't compatible and that I should check for updates. What do I do?
That is odd. Updating your xbox should make it have the latest backwards compatibility update which was years ago I think. But nonetheless you should be able to play games that are on that list. I'm not too sure on what to do.

And yeah the towel trick isn't a guaranteed fix. You can get xclamp kits for like 15 bucks online, or at the very least buy some new thermal paste and apply it. One of my friends xbox had the rrod and he did the xclamp fix and it's running strong after a year.
That is odd. Updating your xbox should make it have the latest backwards compatibility update which was years ago I think. But nonetheless you should be able to play games that are on that list. I'm not too sure on what to do.

And yeah the towel trick isn't a guaranteed fix. You can get xclamp kits for like 15 bucks online, or at the very least buy some new thermal paste and apply it. One of my friends xbox had the rrod and he did the xclamp fix and it's running strong after a year.

I will try again when it comes to backwards compat.

On the subject of the fix, I did do the penny trick and apply new thermal paste do the xbox so it should be fine for now.