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Need "User's Manual" for 3.52 M33 & 3.71 M33


New Member
There are a ton of helpful guides about installing or upgrading / downgrading to/from the M33 custom firmwares, but I can't find anything that tells me how to use them once I've installed them.

I didn't even know that pressing "Home" on my PSP would bring up a CF menu with an option to copy my game's UMD file onto my computer :blushing: until that was pointed out to me. Which makes me curious as to what else I'm unaware of. I looked at all the lines or options on that menu & don't understand what their uses are, or what to do after I've selected one (What do I do after I've got my game UMD copied to an ISO & where on my computer would I put it...& then what do I do with it?)

I've Googled, etc., but only come up with installation guides.

Are there any "User Manuals" or "How To" guides that show you how to actually use these CF's after you've installed them?

Please point me to them if you know of any. I really appreciate the time it takes to answer these questions of mine. Thanks :smile:
tis a good idea....think i might look into making a guide later ;)

EDIT:,yea just looked at that guide and it was for 3.10 OE....dam,thats old.lol
I've been searching the threads around various PSP oriented sites & compiled this info so far:

Copying your UMD game onto your Memory Stick
If you're on 3.52 m33-4 or 3.71 m33, you already have a built in umd ripper. just go into the vsh menu (press "Home" on PSP) and switch the usb mode to umd disc.

Put one of your UMD games into your PSP.

Connect your PSP to your computer with a USB cord. Turn on your PSP & go into USB mode (Do this by scrolling to the far left icons on your XMB {main openning menu} & select USB)

Ok, so, you've switched USB to access the UMD, now enable USB and when the box appears on your PC screen, copy the file inside onto your desktop (This is the game rip). After it's finished you can drag it into your ISO folder.

once it's done copying, rename it.

also, you have a choice of leaving it in ISO format, or compressing it to cso, before transfering to the memory stick. umdgen, ciso converter is a few programs that will compress iso into cso.

once you ripped all the games you want, go back into the vsh menu (the menu that pops up onscreen when you push the "Home" button), switch the usb mode back to memory stick, and exit. then go back to usb connection and enable it. the computer will show the memory stick contents again. copy the game to the ISO folder, which should be in the root of the memory stick. if there isn't any, create one in all caps; it should look like this, ms0:\ISO

Hasn't anybody else compiled this type of information & posted it in a single-topic thread? If I do...will I actually be the first person to do so? I find that amazing & strange.
Hasn't anybody else compiled this type of information & posted it in a single-topic thread? If I do...will I actually be the first person to do so? I find that amazing & strange.

it has been done before but the problem is that it was done for out of date custom firmware....since then,extra features have been added and stuff has changed quite a bit...and if someone was to make one now then it would be out of date soon anyway. :\
I see what you mean. But, how does anyone learn how to use what they've got before the next dramatically different CF comes out?

In the meantime would you guys help me learn how to use 3.52 M33 & 3.71 M33?

3.52 M33 questions:

M33 VSH MENU (found by pressing "Home" on PSP)

CPU CLOCK XMB What is this & when / why would you select the different options?

CPU CLOCK GAME What is this & when / why would you select the different options?


USB DEVICE What is this & when / why would you select the different options?

Memory Stick
Flash 0
Flash 1
Flash 2
Flash 3
UMD Disc

UMD ISO MODE What is this & when / why would you select the different options?

M33 driver
Sony NP9660
OE isofs

ISO VIDEO MOUNT What is this & why are there no options?

Yet another Question> What's the difference between 3.52 M33 & 3.71 M33? Are the VSH MENU's different?
CPU CLOCK XMB What is this & when / why would you select the different options?

Lower cpu speed increses battery life. higher cpu speed makes some brew run better on wifi.
ie using irshell for a remote... will drain a battery in about 3 hrs. on normal. on low it gets about 8

CPU CLOCK GAME What is this & when / why would you select the different options?


Pretty much when the game requires u to change it . i never do change the game speed.

USB DEVICE What is this & when / why would you select the different options?

Memory Stick
Flash 0
Flash 1
Flash 2
Flash 3
UMD Disc

Usb device is able to access the flash memory, or umd to or ms from recovery so u can repair a semi brick, rip umd , and fix ms issues. (if u use the ms to load xmb stuff the psp wont load proper with errors in file placement .

UMD ISO MODE What is this & when / why would you select the different options?

M33 driver
Sony NP9660
OE isofs

To my knowledge , Sony NP9660 offers basically 100 % compatability. Try other options if your iso wont load.

ISO VIDEO MOUNT What is this & why are there no options?

Yet another Question> What's the difference between 3.52 M33 & 3.71 M33? Are the VSH MENU's different?

ISO VIDEO MOUNT is for running backups of UMD Video ISOs. You can't enable it unless a UMD Video ISO is found in the ISO directory of your memory stick.

There is really no difference between the 3.52 M33 and 3.71 M33 VSH menus, aside from the fact that on 3.52 M33 HOME is used to access the menu, whereas on 3.71 M33 you press SELECT.

Also I will add that increasing the CPU speed for games usually results in smoother framerates at the expense of battery life.
I put together Newbie guide & have a new question

I put together something that any "PSP-NEWBIE" can understand. The thread's title is, "Guide: How to copy UMD game onto memory stick (3.52 & 3.71 M33)".

My new question is regarding UMD movies & how to copy them to a memory stick. I've followed my own instructions in the afore mentioned guide & fiddled around a bit...but still can't get my Lord's of Dogtown to run from my MS. Anyone willing to help me with this?

Thanks for your time (^.^)
I put together something that any "PSP-NEWBIE" can understand. The thread's title is, "Guide: How to copy UMD game onto memory stick (3.52 & 3.71 M33)".

My new question is regarding UMD movies & how to copy them to a memory stick. I've followed my own instructions in the afore mentioned guide & fiddled around a bit...but still can't get my Lord's of Dogtown to run from my MS. Anyone willing to help me with this?

Thanks for your time (^.^)

Nice job! Although, one suggestion:

You can also change the "UMD ISO MODE" to "M33 driver" if you don't want to need any kind of UMD game inserted in order to play the game from your memory stick. When you're done with that scroll down to "EXIT" & press the X button on your PSP.

Sony NP9660 is the most compatible method and it does not need a UMD inserted either.

Running UMD Movie ISOs is a bit different. First of all, they go in the folder X:/ISO/VIDEO

Also, you must have a UMD inserted when running a movie ISO, regardless of the ISO mode you've chosen. Last if the movie ISO doesn't show up, make sure you mount it using the "ISO Video Mount" option in the VSH menu.
Nice job! Although, one suggestion:

Sony NP9660 is the most compatible method and it does not need a UMD inserted either.

Oh, I didn't know that. Hmm, when I copied my UMD Games I set 'em up with M33 driver. Do I have to copy them all over again with the setting changed to Sony NP9660?

Running UMD Movie ISOs is a bit different. First of all, they go in the folder X:/ISO/VIDEO

Also, you must have a UMD inserted when running a movie ISO, regardless of the ISO mode you've chosen. Last if the movie ISO doesn't show up, make sure you mount it using the "ISO Video Mount" option in the VSH menu.

I swear I tried every possible configuration when I copied Lords of Dogtown & never had the option to change the ISO Video Mount setting (only "None" showed). But, I gave it another try after reading your post & what do you know? I got it to run from my MS!:biggrin:

Got a brand new problem though. Now I can't run any of my original UMD Games :crying: The UMD icon sometimes (depends on game) doesn't even show. When it does & I enable it...I'm told it's from the wrong region:huh:

I've reset my M33 VSH MENU options back & forth & nothing seems to make a difference. Any ideas how I can fix this?
Oh, I didn't know that. Hmm, when I copied my UMD Games I set 'em up with M33 driver. Do I have to copy them all over again with the setting changed to Sony NP9660?

I swear I tried every possible configuration when I copied Lords of Dogtown & never had the option to change the ISO Video Mount setting (only "None" showed). But, I gave it another try after reading your post & what do you know? I got it to run from my MS!:biggrin:

Got a brand new problem though. Now I can't run any of my original UMD Games :crying: The UMD icon sometimes (depends on game) doesn't even show. When it does & I enable it...I'm told it's from the wrong region:huh:

I've reset my M33 VSH MENU options back & forth & nothing seems to make a difference. Any ideas how I can fix this?

Did you unmount the Video ISO? Need to unmount it if you want to go back to playing a UMD game.

No you don't need to re-copy your games to the memory stick after switching to Sony NP9660.
Thanks so much x3sphere for your quick reply!

I changed the the "ISO Video Mount" to "None". When that didn't improve the situation I played around switching back & forth with the other changes I'd made. Still none of my UMD Games would play.

I finally just completely powered off my PSP & waited a few minutes. When I turned it back on all was well :-)

That was weird...& a little nerve wracking. That's the very first "problem" of any kind I have yet to experience. I'll consider myself exceedingly lucky if that's the worst thing I run into (^.^)

Any idea what the cause of that was?
Thanks so much x3sphere for your quick reply!

I changed the the "ISO Video Mount" to "None". When that didn't improve the situation I played around switching back & forth with the other changes I'd made. Still none of my UMD Games would play.

I finally just completely powered off my PSP & waited a few minutes. When I turned it back on all was well :-)

That was weird...& a little nerve wracking. That's the very first "problem" of any kind I have yet to experience. I'll consider myself exceedingly lucky if that's the worst thing I run into (^.^)

Any idea what the cause of that was?

Not sure but it sounds like a bug with the UMD Video option. I don't have any UMD movies here so I've never tried it personally.
Eek! I hates bugs ^.^

Have an off topic question. How can I subscribe to threads around here? I'm having a hard time keeping track of my own topics & others' topics I've posted in. I've run several different searches & not a blessed result regarding threads.

I was checking out the "M33 Recovery Menu" for 3.52-3 M33 & wondering if there are any differences between it & 3.71 M33?
Eek! I hates bugs ^.^

Have an off topic question. How can I subscribe to threads around here? I'm having a hard time keeping track of my own topics & others' topics I've posted in. I've run several different searches & not a blessed result regarding threads.

I was checking out the "M33 Recovery Menu" for 3.52-3 M33 & wondering if there are any differences between it & 3.71 M33?

Aside from the GAME folder kernel setting, there's no other stuff that's different.

The subscribe function is in your "User CP".
[Edit Options] -> Under [Messaging & Notification]==>[Default Thread Subscription Mode], and change it to the one you pleasure.

(I set it to "no email notification", so the threads will be subscribed, and you're email inbox won't be piled up with unnecessary stuff. :))
Thanks Acerthief! Now I guess I'll have to add a post to the threads I want to add to my "Subscribed Threads", because there aren't any showing yet.

I was checking out XsavioR's OE/M33 Usage Manual ~it's installed now what~ thread. Since there are so few differences between 3.52 M33 & 3.71 M33 custom firmwares it seems like a good idea to use XsavioR's thread as an outline & then just update it with info on the M33 stuff.

Or am I so new to all of this that I've just suggested something rediculous?