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PM Limit


But I was committed after that birthday party...
I did notice, I think about/exactly the same time you tweaked the karma system, x3sphere, you increased our PM box limit x10. Just figured I'd tell ya it didn't go unnoticed, I appreciate that.:smile:
Oh yeah I hadn't noticed. Good job x3sphere, my pm inbox was starting to get full.
lol,same here....i tend to delete messages after i reply to them anyway.

Yah, I get ALOT of messages from newbs that want an answer in, like, the next 30 seconds, because alotta times I'm the only mod on... The peeps have no patience, but I answer, then keep the messages for reference, dunno why.

Thats exactly what happens to me because i am on a lot of the time too

So you feel the pain too? :p