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PC Portal 2 Pre-Orders Go Live On Steam, Incentives Detailed


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Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Feel that gravitational pull on your wallet? Yep, Portal 2 is now available for pre-order on Steam. As part of Valve's dual-incentive offer, early bird purchasers get 10 percent off the original purchase price of $49.99, along with a free giftable copy of the original Portal.

"Portal 2 is shaping up to be the most innovative title in Valve's history, and to be a much larger experience than we originally planned," said Doug Lombardi, vice president of marketing at Valve[...]

Continue reading: Portal 2 Pre-Orders Go Live On Steam, Valve Throws In Incentives...

El Diablo

I was going to preorder this but thankfully Abe came to the rescue.


Shockingly Delicious
The launch price for the PS3(w/PC) version for me is $69.99 CDN, while the prepurchase PC version on steam is $44.99 USD. That's a $25 difference, and I doubt I'll even play the PS3 version. So for me it looks like I'm just getting the standalone steam version.