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Steam Post your Steam ID here


New Member
You know the deal.
BTW, I'm converting my old PC into a server, maybe I can host a few TF2 games soon?

Mine is ExRarne.

Join the MfM steam group here if you're interested:
Joey said:

or dfs_vegas

Not sure which it is...
It's dfsvegas after looking at your QJ avatar
btw, thanks for having that in your avatar, it led me to discover steamcard.com :D
My Steam ID is JaX3RiR. Or JaX3RiR, can't remember :P

EDIT: Well, I login with the name JaXeRiR but my "Profile Name" is JaX3RiR. So I don't know which one you're supposed to add :/
JaX3RiR said:
My Steam ID is JaX3RiR. Or JaX3RiR, can't remember :P

EDIT: Well, I login with the name JaXeRiR but my "Profile Name" is JaX3RiR. So I don't know which one you're supposed to add :/
Those are both the same :p

If you log in with JaXeRiR, then that's what people would add

Add me, like to play CSS surf maps and normal CSS.
Brad said:

Add me, like to play CSS surf maps and normal CSS.
I'll play some surf maps with you sometime, I'm a lot better now at them than I was last time.

My Steam ID is Serideth
ill join the group and my steam id is renexxx168 i have tf:2, zombie panic, insurgency and garrys mod
G'day guys my steam ID is APeanut <<( don't ask lol). Add me I mainly play CS:S surf maps, Left 4 Dead and COD4.
I'm not sure why this didn't get stickied before like the PSN and XBL ones so it is now.

My Steam ID is nvqtwelve