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I can has hax nao?

(isnt there a better section for this to be in? i posted in the development not really like its anything to do with development....)


This will be the final version, it is a modular design so all the game patches will be added to the psnabler folder. So no more updates on the plugin itself. Games will continue to be added when requested. When games are added they will be added to the repo too. To add new games simply download the file for the game ie., UCUS-12345.bin and put it in the psnabler folder in seplugins.

The games in the repo now are already in the final version so no need to download them they are there for future reference.

If you still have problems with it here are a few things to try:

1. As mentioned in the readme WPA security is not allowing users to logon to some games. This is an issue with sony, alot of people are having problems with it even ps3 users. This is the problem with some users trying to play Resistance, this is NOT a problem with this plugin.

2. Make sure you are using the m33 driver.

3. Some gen users get an error when clicking sign up in the psn tab from the xmb, again this is a firmware issue NOT a problem with psnabler. My suggestion is to update and if you can't then i'm sorry but its not gonna work.

4. Little Big Planet and Motorstorm will not work with this because of their own problems. LBP requires a game patch which has nothing to do with the psnabler and Motorstorm has network problems, after signing into psn a popup appears saying "fatal network error" this is happening to everyone even people without custom firmware.

5. READ THE README !!!!! it may just answer some of your questions.

To get the latest psnabler and future patches go to PSNabler Repository

UCJS-10090     Resistance JAP              **ADDED IN V1**
UCUS-98668     Resistance US               **ADDED IN V1**
NPUG-80114     Syphon Filter Combat Ops    **ADDED IN V1**
UCES-01264     Little Big PlanetEU         **ADDED IN V3**
UCUS-98744     Little Big PlanetUS         **ADDED IN V5**
NPUG-80248     PixelJunk                   **ADDED IN V5**
UCES-01250     motostorm                   **NEW ADDED IN V6**
ULUS-10418     rockband                    **NEW ADDED IN V6**
NPUH-10019     thexderneo                  **NEW ADDED IN V6**
UCES-80114     resistance EU              **NEW ADDED IN FINAL**


btw i didn't make this so you could go be an asshole online so exercise some restraint... please..
V3 is working on LittleBigPlanet with 5.50 GEN-D3, but not with 5.03 GEN-C. V4 doesn't seem to work with either firmware... :glare:

Trying to use it with LittleBigPlanet US:

I'm using a PSP 3000 with 5.03GEN-C. I tried to use the M33 Drivers, and the version is set to "06.20", but it won't work :(

Someone who got it to work said:
I can get it working
psp 2004
5.50 Gen D3
Used psnabler from the site here
m33 driver
cpu speed default (both xmb and game)
psnabler.txt = 06.20
I've downloaded 5 levels or so

But now i can get it working but when i try to access the psn levels, my psp freezes and crashes...
IN the README it says:

copy both psnabler.prx and psnabler.txt to the seplugins folder
next add this line to your game.txt in the seplugins folder:


then go into recovery and enable the plugin

and add 1 for example:
ms0:/seplugins/psnabler.prx 1
instead of this:
IN the README it says:

and add 1 for example: instead of this:

You dont have to do that, once you turn it on in the plugin options in the recovery menu it automatically does that.
yeah the readme also says that it only works on specific sizes which is untrue :( i forgot to remove that part from the read me.. im sorry my instructions are so bad... alot of this stuff i did while very tired... some people arent having much luck and i cant say i know what the problem exactly is with out physical access to a system thats having the issue :(
Thanks a lot RedHate for all your work
But it look like little big planet and motorstorm have been updated by big big studio and sonny computer entertenment

Sorry for my poor english
yes it would appear that way, apparently you need 6.10 to update those games from the xmb :( if the patches arent drm you may have luck asking a friend for them.
yes it would appear that way, apparently you need 6.10 to update those games from the xmb :( if the patches arent drm you may have luck asking a friend for them.

Most all sony downloadable games have drm though right?

ANyways, good work on this! Ive been using it on 5.00m33-6 and its perfect so far.
im not exactly sure i would assume yes, but i guess it all depends on the game developers.