Dear all , My psp slim has a ta-088v3 mobo for your information . i am running 5.00 ofw and currently using ChickHen and custom firmware enabler.
Which is the lastest cfw for my psp (TA-088v3) ?, as I wanted to update to 6.20 Pro B-9 Permanent . so i would need to update to 6.20, and use 6.20 PRO B-9 Pack to run the cfw right? ( hope i got it right)
My golden question for you guys is, can i update to 6.20 ofw STRAIGHT from 5.00 ofw? , and since i have always USED custom firmware enabler with CHICKHen it flashed some stuff to my flash0 before , will running the new PROUPDATE from 6.20 Pro B-9 Pack give me a BRICK as i am afraid it would have clashed/Infringed
the old CFW ENABLER files in the flash. Paranoid as a brick could mean the end for my psp.
Thanks Guys. really appreciate your time for helping me since the psp community is declining.Dear all , My psp slim has a ta-088v3 mobo for your information . i am running 5.00 ofw and currently using ChickHen and custom firmware enabler.
Thanks Guys. really appreciate your time for helping me since the psp community is declining.
Name of Sony's premium subscription service for PSN
Which is the lastest cfw for my psp (TA-088v3) ?, as I wanted to update to 6.20 Pro B-9 Permanent . so i would need to update to 6.20, and use 6.20 PRO B-9 Pack to run the cfw right? ( hope i got it right)
My golden question for you guys is, can i update to 6.20 ofw STRAIGHT from 5.00 ofw? , and since i have always USED custom firmware enabler with CHICKHen it flashed some stuff to my flash0 before , will running the new PROUPDATE from 6.20 Pro B-9 Pack give me a BRICK as i am afraid it would have clashed/Infringed
the old CFW ENABLER files in the flash. Paranoid as a brick could mean the end for my psp.
Thanks Guys. really appreciate your time for helping me since the psp community is declining.Dear all , My psp slim has a ta-088v3 mobo for your information . i am running 5.00 ofw and currently using ChickHen and custom firmware enabler.
Thanks Guys. really appreciate your time for helping me since the psp community is declining.
Name of Sony's premium subscription service for PSN