• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.
  • If your profile is showing up as Not Ranked, please review our rules page and follow the appeal process detailed there.

ShadowRecon10 - Steam


New Member
Hello, I am currently showing Not Ranked for Steam. I know in the past I used SAM at some point. However, I don't know for what. If a list of games/achievements can be provided, I will relock them.

Thank you for your time.
Yes, you're in the queue. The game you were flagged for is 140 but we haven't reviewed your profile to see if there are others yet. Only Gunner and I are handling the appeals at the moment, so it might take some time.
Yes, you're in the queue. The game you were flagged for is 140 but we haven't reviewed your profile to see if there are others yet. Only Gunner and I are handling the appeals at the moment, so it might take some time.
Not a problem. Just wanted to make sure since nothing was stated.

I re-locked the 4 achievements in 140 that had duplicate dates/times.
Not sure if and when my account will get looked at at this point, but I will be going through my games to take a look.

Found Problems
Shonen Idle Z:
found 75 same timestamps and re-locked
Holyday City: Reloaded: found 14 same timestamps and re-locked
Last edited:
Sorry, I thought I had unbanned you. I did review your account again and while 140 looks good now - you were auto flagged for Fiends of Imprisonment - Escape Artist. We have this achievement marked as unobtainable.

If you can relock the achievements in that game then we'll lift the ban.

I don't know if the unlocks were from SAM or using a fix that modified files. Any games with modified file use to unlock achievements that are otherwise unobtainable tend to get auto flagged eventually, so if you've used those type of fixes on other games I would recommend relocking those as well.
Thanks. I have added you back to the leaderboard now, ranking will show up again within 24 hours.