• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.
  • If your profile is showing up as Not Ranked, please review our rules page and follow the appeal process detailed there.

Site Roadmap


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor
I've setup a Trello page that complies most of the site feature requests made so far and shows what we're currently working on. You can view it here: https://trello.com/b/R7jHsQg7/exophase-public

Since we get requests here on the forums, as well as on Discord and email I figured it would be nice to have everything in one place. There may be some minor things I've missed, if you notice your suggestion isn't on here let me know and I'll add it. Also if a request was originally made on the forum, I've added a link to the associated thread inside the Trello card as well.
I dug out an old thread of mine: https://forums.exophase.com/threads/request-some-minor-improvements.45940/
Would love to see some of these requests on the roadmap. But no pressure. :p

BTW, I second the 'manually add achievements' point. Unfortunately, there are two many Google Play games out there that have malfunctioning achievements. Two great examples would be: https://www.exophase.com/game/toby-the-secret-mine-android/achievements/#1227459 and https://www.exophase.com/game/this-war-of-mine-stories-fathers-promise-android/achievements/#1227459. In both cases the final story-related trophy is bugged and simply does not pop and the developers do not have any interest in fixing it. So it would be nice to mark these achievements as 'obtained' (at least on this page).
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Right now when you click on a game you see the percentage of people who completed this particular game here on exphase. Would it be possible that, upon hovering, you could also show the percentage of players who obtained it globally, i.e. on PSN or Google Play? This would be nice for the following reason: In the Google Play app you cannot see the completion percentage for hidden trophies. However, as I said that are some games out there with trophies that cannot be obtained at all and sometimes these are the hidden achievements, so you do not know in advance. This feature would make it possible to check this. Also, I am sure that the last achievement of TWOM Stories has 0%, but Google only shows 'below 0.1%', so a more accurate number would be nice.
Oh user-submitted game icons is being worked on? Awesome. Threw a few together myself for fun:

I hope it's implemented soon, the icons that are badly cropped or squashed really detract from the otherwise sleek look this site has and I enjoy doing this sort of thing in photoshop anyway.
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I know achievement/game guide is on the list but how's that gonna look? Will I be able to click on an achievement and ask those who received it how to get it? I ask a question under an achievement and those who received it get a notification. There will be a comment section or something?
I know achievement/game guide is on the list but how's that gonna look? Will I be able to click on an achievement and ask those who received it how to get it? I ask a question under an achievement and those who received it get a notification. There will be a comment section or something?

There's going to be a comment section on the individual achievement pages but that will be intended for posting a guide on how to get the achievement. Other users will able upvote guides and the highest rated will display first.

If there are no guides yet for the achievement, maybe it would be a good idea to a checkbox somewhere on the page, and if clicked it would indicate that you are looking for help. Then other users would be able to see that and message you or post a guide. We could also add an option that sorts games by the # of users looking for help, so people looking to make new guides could focus on those.
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x3sphere, you're brilliant! This will solve so many difficulties/challenges I've been going through. Like for example, you can't talk with other players on Google Play, right? I needed info about some achievements in an Android game, but there was no way to talk to the people who unlocked the achievements, so I've searched on Exophase for people who had a multi-platform profile, added them on Steam and prayed that they would accept the request. Your solution would take all of this down to one single click.
I would also like to suggest that maybe you could notify people who unlocked the achievement on Exophase when someone presses the checkbox. And an option to disable the notification.
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There's going to be a comment section on the individual achievement pages but that will be intended for posting a guide on how to get the achievement. Other users will able upvote guides and the highest rated will display first.

If there are no guides yet for the achievement, maybe it would be a good idea to a checkbox somewhere on the page, and if clicked it would indicate that you are looking for help. Then other users would be able to see that and message you or post a guide. We could also add an option that sorts games by the # of users looking for help, so people looking to make new guides could focus on those.
There's going to be a comment section on the individual achievement pages but that will be intended for posting a guide on how to get the achievement. Other users will able upvote guides and the highest rated will display first.

If there are no guides yet for the achievement, maybe it would be a good idea to a checkbox somewhere on the page, and if clicked it would indicate that you are looking for help. Then other users would be able to see that and message you or post a guide. We could also add an option that sorts games by the # of users looking for help, so people looking to make new guides could focus on those.

Amazing job.
I don't know if this option already exists, but if it doesn't exist I think it would be something interesting to add on the site. What would it be ..,

... Basically every game on the site shows how many players have that game in the account, ok. But there is no way to see which of these people was the most recent. Like, it's only possible to know who did more in the game than the Leaderboard, but there's no way to know who the recent players are. This would help a lot in the question of someone having any doubts regarding the game, as you will see that the person played recently and will try to contact you through the forum (chat), to clear up any doubts / questions!

If this already exists, please tell me how to access ...
Hello! Are you planning to add support for EA Desktop? It's separate launcher and playtime doesn't count in Origin.
Hello! Are you planning to add support for EA Desktop? It's separate launcher and playtime doesn't count in Origin.
Sorry the playtime stat is not public in EA Desktop either. It seems to inherit the same privacy settings as Origin, and currently, EA allows you to view this for your account only. If you view other users in your friends list it will not show you their playtime (at least that's what I've noticed on all profiles that I've viewed).

But we'll probably add support for EA Desktop eventually regardless - since it will replace Origin once out of beta I believe. Right now I'm not sure I see any advantages for tracking purposes though.
Are you planning to add EGS only for playtime counting or you will wait for full achievement system release?