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Sleep: Warm or Chill


So its a basic question, and i was thinking about it when i couldn't sleep last night.

Do you like to sleep in the warm drowse or dyou like it to be nice? And also, to add to this intelligent and thought-provoking question, covers on or off.

My, personal preference, is a nice cold chill, i dont want to wake up looking like i just got done with a 5 hour workout and my body sweating up a storm.


The "nice and chill" option, was supposed to be a "I want to be sleeping in antarctica", but i decided against it.

The nice and chill option sounded more user-friendly.


New Member
It needs to be just right, which I always find is when the room is cool, but you're quite warm under the covers.


The other night, I stayed up for 2 hours extra (so until 2:30 AM) trying to get me room cooler so I could sleep.

But I like it Nice and Chilly w/ covers


Active Member
I'm the only one who likes it warm? =/

I hate the cold with a passion, like I can hardly go to the beach because it's way too cold there.


I'm the only one who likes it warm? =/

I hate the cold with a passion, like I can hardly go to the beach because it's way too cold there.

Some nights i actually like it warm, but generally its all about the cool. Although during the day, my preferred temp is usually in the warmer degrees,
but NOT Humid. Humidity is terrible.

Sleeping warm is the worst thing...

That's just because you're used to the cold...


I'm not dead
Don't like it too hot but I always sleep better under the cover. If it's too cold though I can't sleep either.

Summer is the worst because it's too hot to go straight under the covers so I tend to try and sleep on them but I usually wake up a few hours later freezing cold as my body temp regulates itself to cool down.

Josey Wales

Evil Poptart
Wow, apparently internet folk love being cold.

I cant sleep when im hot, well... I learned to obv, but i dont enjoy it. I most enjoy when its like freezing ice cold and theres warm covers and all that good shit.

But normally just cool or moderate. so i can let the boys hang out


I like it to be more in the cool neighborhood. Not too cold, but definitely not hot or warm.

If it's too hot, I sleep without a cover and maybe turn on a fan.
If it's too cold, i just grab a cover.

But there are some days where I don't give a damn, throw me self on my bed, and just sleep.


I sleep best in the winter with a shit ton of blankets.

I hate the summer because our air conditioning barely works and my computer is like a small furnace. After a few hours of it being on, it's really toasty in my room. Then, when I try to sleep, I can't stop sweating. It's the worst.


New Member
I sleep best in the winter with a shit ton of blankets.

I hate the summer because our air conditioning barely works and my computer is like a small furnace. After a few hours of it being on, it's really toasty in my room. Then, when I try to sleep, I can't stop sweating. It's the worst.


Also, keeping the AC on overnight tends to make me feel like shit in the morning even though it's nice at the time.