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SlumDog Millionaire Child For Sale by her Father


MD Party Room
Being part of an Oscar winning movie can up your asking price in Hollywood. Apparently it can also up your asking price should your father decide to try and sell you.

Rubina Ali, the nine-year-old girl who was featured prominently in the Oscar winning "Slumdog Millionaire," was offered up for sale by her father to undercover reporters working for News of the World, the paper is reporting.

The young child star's asking price was roughly $295,000. According to the paper, the price started off much lower when he first began negotiating the deal. Maybe the father forgot to take DVD sales into account.
How Much for That "Slumdog" Kid in the Window? - TMZ.com

.I cant believe this.


Active Member
That's ridiculous. As much as it seems callous, I hope someone buys her. Obviously, her father is in no position to have her as a child.


New Member
That's ridiculous. As much as it seems callous, I hope someone buys her. Obviously, her father is in no position to have her as a child.

Anybody who would "buy" a child likely isn't intending on being a loving, nurturing parent. The term "sex slave" comes to mind.


New Member
i saw it in new yday..it was on all news channels..
f-ing money hungry people..[they are poor but so WHAT?]


New Member
Great..as if the movie wasn't embarrassing enough. :(

Yes, FYI that beefed up fairytale called Slumdog Millionaire was embarrassing for most people in India including myself because India isn't really that dismal ghost town portrayed in that movie.
But hey..no big deal..by now we've got pretty much used to that kind of slander thanks to Hollywood.

Just to put you into perspective before you gentlemen get overtly judgmental, poverty can drive some people crazy..really crazy. Even though I haven't been unfortunate enough to experience it first hand, I get to see it all around me..take it from someone residing in a Third World country.


New Member
Great..as if the movie wasn't embarrassing enough. :(

Yes, FYI that beefed up fairytale called Slumdog Millionaire was embarrassing for most people in India including myself because India isn't really that dismal ghost town portrayed in that movie.
But hey..no big deal..by now we've got pretty much used to that kind of slander thanks to Hollywood.

Just to put you into perspective before you gentlemen get overtly judgmental, poverty can drive some people crazy..really crazy. Even though I haven't been unfortunate enough to experience it first hand, I get to see it all around me..take it from someone residing in a Third World country.

Yeah i agree...
Its not that dismal..All they have shown in the movie is poverty and slums.
When i so the movie,i was WTF is this guy upto..I agree that thing exists but it does in all countries....And india cant be considered a third world country now..Its out of that status..


New Member
The father says that the News of The World tricked him and he was not trying to sell the child.
Which, knowing the News of the World, is probably correct.


Suck It
Yeah i agree...
Its not that dismal..All they have shown in the movie is poverty and slums.
When i so the movie,i was WTF is this guy upto..I agree that thing exists but it does in all countries....And india cant be considered a third world country now..Its out of that status..

No offense, but not every country has poverty to the extent that India faces. Nearly 50% of the entire Indian population live under the global poverty line of $1.25 a day. Things are getting better, but there is still a lot of poverty over there.


New Member
Yeah i agree...
Its not that dismal..All they have shown in the movie is poverty and slums.
When i so the movie,i was WTF is this guy upto..I agree that thing exists but it does in all countries....And india cant be considered a third world country now..Its out of that status..
I disagree..in a country so diverse and syncretic all you can do is show is the poverty and filth? I know ur from India too so ask yourself..would cops here really torture a kid if he lied his way through a KBC(Who wants to be a Millionaire) show?? What utter BS. I'm not even pissed at Danny Boyle, Speilberg had done worse with Temple of Doom. Just saddened. :mellow:
And the Third World rhetoric was just a pun.

No offense, but not every country has poverty to the extent that India faces. Nearly 50% of the entire Indian population live under the global poverty line of $1.25 a day. Things are getting better, but there is still a lot of poverty over there.
You Sir have no idea how its like in India. So until you've been here in person kindly refrain from passing judgments based on demographics alone. Opulence and deprivation are so unevenly distributed here that you will often find millionaires living a few blocks away from people who are starving. Here is little statistic to prove my point, did you know that India ranks 6th in the list of countries by the number of billionaires?

This is exactly what happens when people are foolish enough to select democracy as the way of government. That too a form of democracy which is based on the archaic principles of the British Constitutional Monarchy, mutated to fit Republican ideologies.


Seth's On A Boat.
I disagree..in a country so diverse and syncretic all you can do is show is the poverty and filth? I know ur from India too so ask yourself..would cops here really torture a kid if he lied his way through a KBC(Who wants to be a Millionaire) show?? What utter BS. I'm not even pissed at Danny Boyle, Speilberg had done worse with Temple of Doom. Just saddened. :mellow:
And the Third World rhetoric was just a pun.

You Sir have no idea how its like in India. So until you've been here in person kindly refrain from passing judgments based on demographics alone. Opulence and deprivation are so unevenly distributed here that you will often find millionaires living a few blocks away from people who are starving. Here is little statistic to prove my point, did you know that India ranks 6th in the list of countries by the number of billionaires?

This is exactly what happens when people are foolish enough to select democracy as the way of government. A form of democracy which is based on the British Constitutional Monarchy, mutated to fit Republican ideologies.

What works better than democracy? Communism? Socialism? Monarchy?


New Member
You forgot Fascism(not to be confused with Nazism):)
At least there are no pretentious politicians to put up with..besides that they aren't much different.


New Member
Where's FreePlay when you need him :p?

Anyway, I don't get why this movie has all Indians hot and bothered. (Ive lived in India for half my life). Although I agree that India is not "as poor as" the movie portrays, you must realize that its a movie. What were they supposed to do? Focus on the billionaires for half the movie?

Also, people (Indian's in general) need to quit the denial. Yes, we have many, MANY rich people, but they easily balanced out by the poverty-stricken. Things need to be improved, and if anything, this movie will help that cause. Another thing that is particularly annoying is the people's idea of pride. Instead of taking pride in the great culture and philosophy that has come out of India, you would rather be embarrassed at the fact that the country is underdeveloped. Since when did money become the sole source of pride?


New Member
Where's FreePlay when you need him :p?

Anyway, I don't get why this movie has all Indians hot and bothered. (Ive lived in India for half my life). Although I agree that India is not "as poor as" the movie portrays, you must realize that its a movie. What were they supposed to do? Focus on the billionaires for half the movie?

Also, people (Indian's in general) need to quit the denial. Yes, we have many, MANY rich people, but they easily balanced out by the poverty-stricken. Things need to be improved, and if anything, this movie will help that cause. Another thing that is particularly annoying is the people's idea of pride. Instead of taking pride in the great culture and philosophy that has come out of India, you would rather be embarrassed at the fact that the country is underdeveloped. Since when did money become the sole source of pride?

No of course not..why focus on the positive aspects, unlike that when portraying some western nations, always focus on the negative ones like poverty, crime, corruption as if all these aspects are totally absent in the west. Denial? I don't think so..hell its so all around us we dare not be in denial.
A reality check for you..MONEY RULES. PERIOD. Its a source of pride, honour, happiness, love, sex, friends, sustenance, and the list goes on and on. If you can't even accept this simple fact of life then apparently its you who is in denial. :)

You mentioned you lived in India but I don't suppose you are an Indian are you. If you aren't it usually takes a lot more time than what you've spent to fully comprehend the truth behind the situation of our unfortunate nation and if you are..I gotta congratulate you..spoken like a true Indian..confused, unappreciative and self-deprecating.


New Member
No of course not..why focus on the positive aspects, unlike that when portraying some western nations, always focus on the negative ones like poverty, crime, corruption as if all these aspects are totally absent in the west. Denial? I don't think so..hell its so all around us we dare not be in denial.

Didnt i just answer that question? Because its a movie. Also, when does the movie ever blatantly say that povert, crime, etc, are absent in the west? As far as i remember, it makes no reference to the west. I dont get what you want out of the movie. Could you explain?

A reality check for you..MONEY RULES. PERIOD. Its a source of pride, honour, happiness, love, sex, friends, sustenance, and the list goes on and on. If you can't even accept this simple fact of life then apparently its you who is in denial. :)

You have no idea how much this saddens me. Youve just exemplified one of the biggest problems with the world. The only one i agree with is sustenance. But, honor? Seriously? So now you can just buy honor? Love? How exactly do you buy love? Sex, i guess i can understand if you take into account prostitution, but again, that is extremely shallow. And whatever happened to money can't buy friends?

Also, "MONEY RULES" is not fact. Its your (incorrect) opinion.

You mentioned you lived in India but I don't suppose you are an Indian are you. If you aren't it usually takes a lot more time than what you've spent to fully comprehend the truth behind the situation of our unfortunate nation.

How do you know how much time ive spent in India? I was born and raised there until I was 12. Granted i wasnt exactly an adult, but i do remember what i saw, and i knew what was going on. And would you care to enlighten me on the "situation" of India?

and if you are..I gotta congratulate you..spoken like a true Indian..confused, unappreciative and self-deprecating.

I dont get this. You spend god knows how much time defending India, and then equate Indians with those adjectives?

What exactly am i "unappreciative" about?

And, I dont think self-deprecating means what you think it means:

belittling or undervaluing oneself; excessively modest.


Suck It
I disagree..in a country so diverse and syncretic all you can do is show is the poverty and filth? I know ur from India too so ask yourself..would cops here really torture a kid if he lied his way through a KBC(Who wants to be a Millionaire) show?? What utter BS. I'm not even pissed at Danny Boyle, Speilberg had done worse with Temple of Doom. Just saddened. :mellow:
And the Third World rhetoric was just a pun.

You Sir have no idea how its like in India. So until you've been here in person kindly refrain from passing judgments based on demographics alone. Opulence and deprivation are so unevenly distributed here that you will often find millionaires living a few blocks away from people who are starving. Here is little statistic to prove my point, did you know that India ranks 6th in the list of countries by the number of billionaires?

This is exactly what happens when people are foolish enough to select democracy as the way of government. That too a form of democracy which is based on the archaic principles of the British Constitutional Monarchy, mutated to fit Republican ideologies.
No of course not..why focus on the positive aspects, unlike that when portraying some western nations, always focus on the negative ones like poverty, crime, corruption as if all these aspects are totally absent in the west. Denial? I don't think so..hell its so all around us we dare not be in denial.
A reality check for you..MONEY RULES. PERIOD. Its a source of pride, honour, happiness, love, sex, friends, sustenance, and the list goes on and on. If you can't even accept this simple fact of life then apparently its you who is in denial. :)

You mentioned you lived in India but I don't suppose you are an Indian are you. If you aren't it usually takes a lot more time than what you've spent to fully comprehend the truth behind the situation of our unfortunate nation and if you are..I gotta congratulate you..spoken like a true Indian..confused, unappreciative and self-deprecating.

Wow, I don't know what more to say except for the phrase 'Get over yourself'. Your little democracy rant was a joke.

It's a movie. India does indeed face poverty, I don't need to live there to know what a slum looks like. If poverty statistics can't convince you that India faces poverty, then you really need to step outside of your bubble and realize that you're just kidding yourself. Just because some people (such as yourself apparently) have it better off, doesn't mean poverty simply doesn't exist over there.

However, I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know what exactly the movie depicts.


New Member
Didnt i just answer that question? Because its a movie. Also, when does the movie ever blatantly say that povert, crime, etc, are absent in the west? As far as i remember, it makes no reference to the west. I dont get what you want out of the movie. Could you explain?

You have no idea how much this saddens me. Youve just exemplified one of the biggest problems with the world. The only one i agree with is sustenance. But, honor? Seriously? So now you can just buy honor? Love? How exactly do you buy love? Sex, i guess i can understand if you take into account prostitution, but again, that is extremely shallow. And whatever happened to money can't buy friends?

Also, "MONEY RULES" is not fact. Its your (incorrect) opinion.

How do you know how much time ive spent in India? I was born and raised there until I was 12. Granted i wasnt exactly an adult, but i do remember what i saw, and i knew what was going on. And would you care to enlighten me on the "situation" of India?

I dont get this. You spend god knows how much time defending India, and then equate Indians with those adjectives?

What exactly am i "unappreciative" about?

And, I dont think self-deprecating means what you think it means:

belittling or undervaluing oneself; excessively modest.

Fascinating, English lessons..
To say the truth..I didn't actually try to equate all Indians with those adjectives but some of them, who after traveling abroad immediately start comparing the conditions in the present state of underdeveloped India to the conditions in the developed countries they are residing in as if they are finally liberated from some form of unseen tyranny. Self-deprecating in this sense that when someone is disparaging ones own country, its people and its way of life they are in fact is belittling themselves without realising it.

What I said about money is unfortunately true regardless of how contradicting you are of it, I personally wish you were right but you aren't..that is what 24 years of existence in one of the most difficult country to live in has taught me. My apologies for being so brutally realistic.

Wow, I don't know what more to say except for the phrase 'Get over yourself'. Your little democracy rant was a joke.

It's a movie. India does indeed face poverty, I don't need to live there to know what a slum looks like. If poverty statistics can't convince you that India faces poverty, then you really need to step outside of your bubble and realize that you're just kidding yourself. Just because some people (such as yourself apparently) have it better off, doesn't mean poverty simply doesn't exist over there.

However, I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know what exactly the movie depicts.

When did I ever say that India does not face poverty? Quoting myself:
Opulence and deprivation are so unevenly distributed here that you will often find millionaires living a few blocks away from people who are starving.
Which means, India has extremely diverse distribution of personal wealth where you are likely to find millionaires here and people starving a few blocks away.
Does that really sound like I am living in a bubble oblivious to conditions around me?

All I tried to do was explain to you guys that India is not really that dumpster containing all the filth and dirt of the world as portrayed in Hollywood movies but I suppose its pointless..so yes..you win..you're right..India is that disgusting poverty-stricken ghost town this world could do without. So be it, hopefully for you..after a few years there will be no India to look down upon and the world will be such a wonderful place to live in..Good Luck and Godspeed Gentlemen.