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PSN Sony Sets May 31 Target for 'Fully' Restoring PSN Services


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

Sony Computer Entertainment spokesperson Shigenori Yoshida has revealed to Bloomberg that the company plans to fully restore PSN services by May 31. However, it remains 'uncertain' as to when a portion of the services can be brought back online.

Originally, the plan was to restore a basic level of access last week, with the ability to browse the PlayStation Store coming at a later date[...]

Continue reading: Sony Sets May 31 Target for 'Fully' Restoring PSN Services...


eXo Staff
Dear god, that's a long time if it ends up being that. I support and understand they want it to be 100% before they restore anything, i would want the same but it begs the question on why it would take them that long, surely the damage is not so severe or their original security was really as poor as people say? Must be if it is taking this long :(

Edit - Just thought, i love the way they have plumped us up with the 'Welcome back' pack....and then told us 31/5/2011.


What the fuck. Of coarse when I trade my xbox for a ps3 a week later the PSN is down, hopefully online will come this week.


Teh Fett Mawn
well, they did talk about bring "partial" features back, so hopefully things like online play will be back before the 31st, if thats still the plan.

gotta love how they keep us informed though xD


I doubt it will be done by the 31st just like their "this week" speech of last week. $ony needs to really suck up to their consumers now if they really want console sales, because every retailer would just say go with 360 for online because Sony's sucks and is unreliable although it is "Free". Bur thats my opinion on this matter, all i know is that for a consumer stand point te 360 sounds like the better buy.


Shockingly Delicious
Apparently there was a third attack a few days ago, so I'm not surprised to see them taking their time making sure it is secure


eXo Admin
Enforcer Team
Wow. I'm actually stunned on how much damage has been caused. Has Sony found the people responsible?

No not as of yet. The likelihood of the culprit(s) being discovered is doubtful too. I suppose the FBI might eventually track down the source but it's safe to assume the DDoS occurring at the same time is making things difficult.