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Streaming ISO/CSO to PSP


New Member
If you are like me, you have a bunch of Games, and hate switching them. So you make a copy of it to use on your Memory Stick but they are too big, Here is a small workaround to get them to stream via USB or Wireless THIS DOES NOT WORK WITH POPSLOADER!!!
-Confirmed Working on PSP slim 4.01 m33-2
1. Download Custom Firmware Extender 1.9
[see attachment on bottom]

2. Extract the files to a location on your PC anywhere you like just make sure there is a lot of room, because under the windows folder is another folder called ISO that is where you need to store all your ISO/CSO files

3.Connect your PSP via USB cable, go to the release folder and copy the seplugins to the root for your PSP.NOTE: If you are using other Plugins dont' copy game.txt, vsh.txt or pops.txt, instead open them up and copy the lines and add them to the txt files on your psp.

4.Close the connection and shut down your psp. KEEP THE USB PLUGGED IN

5. Start it holding R to go into the recovery menu. From there go to plugins and enable all the plugins

6.hold down the L button and hit the note key(musical note, beside select) a text menu will show up, Select the first one (Usbhostfs ISO redirection) by hitting the Home key to select

7. In windows a prompt will come up showing new device, install the drivers from the windows/drivers folder from the rar you downloaded earlier.

8. Now go to the windows folder and start usbhostfs_pc.exe and leave it running. Now redo step 6 again, If you did this correctly on the bottom it should say Press L/R to change iso and on the bottom the list of all the ISO's located under the windows/ISO/ folder from the .rar you extracted earlier. Press Home to load the game and play

If the game doesn't load try removing the UMD and try again

Now that we got that working lets get the wireless going too
This second part is based on the fact you did the steps above
1. Connect via USB to the computer to access the PSP. Go to Start>run and type in CMD. in the command line, type in ipconfig and hit enter. There it will show your ip address.

2. in the PSP files, go to the seplugins folder, then the CFE folder. in there will be a file called cfe.config, Open it using notepad and on the very bottom is a place for your ip address, replace the one there with yours, the one you found in step 1. save and close.

3. set up your PSP to connect to the internet via wireless, using your wireless router, test and make sure it works.

4. Go the windows folder on your PC again and start nethostfs.exe and leave it running.

5. on your PSP hit the L button + the note key(beside the select button)

6. Now select the second option Nethostfs ISO redirection

7. now it should show you the same option as before when using USB to select your Games and play them

NOTES: The wireless i find is slower then USB when loading the games, and at least one game didn't work for me. in that case use the USB over the Wireless

Again i can confirm this works on PSP slim running CFW 4.01 m33-2, but if you use this with popsloader, popsloader will not work.

If there is any problems i will help you as best as i can


Use a newer version of Custom Firmware Extender.


I don't think cfe3.0 supports wifi but i could be wrong.


New Member
I don't think cfe3.0 supports wifi but i could be wrong.

I tried newer versions and they don't have WiFi, that and the new CFE doesn't work well with usb streaming. First when you go back to the menu from a game, you need to enable usb, then select the usbhostfs option, to see the list again. but i also found alot of my games can't be selected, i can only select some of the games to play the others don't do anything. which is why i stick with 1.9


this dont work for me


psp318player said:
this dont work for me

Maybe you are on a different firmware version. That might explain why Custom firmware Extender does not work. CFE 1.9 works with the older versions, like 3.71 M33.