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PC TF2: Payload Night!


Plugins should be working on the server. Hopefully I didn't break anything with my fix as I probably won't be here to...unbalance... the game. Have fun guys.


Active Member
I'm in, just getting over an epic hangover. I love payload and not playing against ES, this seems perfect for me :D


New Member
The server is too fragile atm, it keeps crashing. sorry, no PL night this week :(


Active Member
Yeah. It's crashed about four times in the last hour.


I've given temporary rcon to the TF2 server admins. Hopefully one of them knows how to use it. If anyone is still up for this, I may be able to play.


Seth's On A Boat.
So, I hauled ass to get everything downloaded, get windows completely set up, and such, just to have it cancelled? :(:(:(

Oh well, I'm sure it's best to have it postponed, considering a buggy server is more irritating than waiting for a stable one.


I don't know what to do with rcon... do any of the TF2 "admins"? I mean, I know what it is, but am not familiar with the commands at all.


New Member
Relatively simple. rcon_password "password here", and then just use "rcon *command*" to work. For examply, "rcon changemap plr_pipeline"


Thanks for your failure Eran. We still had a fairly decent time though on a few pl maps though. Thanks guys :p


You could have made more of an effort. But you chose not to.

Even when you saw people playing after half an hour you couldn't be bothered to join.


New Member
You could have made more of an effort. But you chose not to.

I chose not to? So not having the ability to stop the server crashes was my choice? Having the server crash four times in an hour was my choice? The update messing up a command so that my game crashed locally as well as on the server was my choice?

I think not.