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The Debate Over Trials Carry in Destiny 2


New Member
Trials of Osiris in Destiny 2 presents one of the most challenging yet rewarding experiences for players seeking competitive play and exclusive rewards. The mode's intense matches test your skills, teamwork, and strategy to the fullest, offering unique gear for those who prevail. However, the difficulty level can sometimes be daunting for even the most seasoned players. This brings up an interesting conversation about the concept of 'Trials carry' services, where players are assisted by more experienced guardians to achieve these coveted victories. I'm curious to hear the community's thoughts on this. Do you view 'Trials carry' as a helpful service that allows more players to enjoy the full range of what Trials of Osiris has to offer, or do you believe it undermines the competitive integrity of the mode? Let's discuss!


New Member
Absolutely, the intensity and challenge of Trials of Osiris is what makes it so rewarding. I personally see Trials carry services as a bridge for players to experience the full spectrum of the mode, especially for those who may not have a team or the means to conquer it alone. In fact, I've used a Trials carry service from Wowvendor myself and found it to be a great way to achieve the victories I was after while also learning from more experienced players. It's a debate worth having, and I'm keen to see how others feel about the balance between accessibility and competitive integrity in Trials of Osiris.