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The How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb party room HD remix 2 turbo


I'm not dead
Don't you guys have anything better to talk about?

Or should the thread be renamed "I wish I had a cock in my arse party room"?



No not really, because "Craig", doesn't post as much.

Gaybar without gays would be empty. If "Craig" leaves it wouldn't exactly be empty, there would still be "gays" that would exist.

A bar without a bartender would just be like...wtf is dis shit.
And that's exactly what would happen if "Craig" leaves.


Had to spoil my fun :(

Ok then. A gaybar without the gays that take their clothes off.


Quality Haxing Since 1991
No not really, because "Craig", doesn't post as much.

Gaybar without gays would be empty. If "Craig" leaves it wouldn't exactly be empty, there would still be "gays" that would exist.

A bar without a bartender would just be like...wtf is dis shit.
And that's exactly what would happen if "Craig" leaves.

Steven. Just say Steven.

And this thread is becoming a burden on the forums, let me contact NeilR so he can close this nuisance. FULL STOP.


Steven. Just say Steven.

And this thread is becoming a burden on the forums, let me contact NeilR so he can close this nuisance. FULL STOP.

Idk, i'm growing fond of the name "Craig".

Sounds like someones getting a little violated over here.

And thats not a positive post bro. Thats a permanent ban for you. FULL STOP.


MD Party Room
I dont understand this at all... How did this thread come to be? IRC


Active Member
It's like the only jokes you guys can come up with involve someone being gay, you need new material asap.

Also if you reply to this post with a message containing any homosexual overtones it doesn't make you clever, it makes you predictable and lame.


Phil gave me 3 infractions..... what a douchebag.

I miss the old Phil

Its because you bought a beer from me.

Well actually its more like this.

Lemme tell u a story of my situation:
I was talkin with this girl from the US nation.
The way i met her was on tour at a concert
She had long hair and short miniskirt.
I just got onstage drippin, pourin with sweat
I was walkin through the crowd and gues who I met
I whispered in her ear, come to the picture booth
So I can ask you some questions to see if you are a hundred proof
I asked her her name, she said blah-blah-blah
She had 9/10 pants and a very big bra

And she was a bitch. End of story.