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The How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb party room HD remix 2 turbo

^ this man knows.

Maybe I should destroy my ecksbawks. It RROD'd twice and the warranty is expired... Not fancying the whole x clamp method of repair.


^ this man knows.

Maybe I should destroy my ecksbawks. It RROD'd twice and the warranty is expired... Not fancying the whole x clamp method of repair.

RROD has a longer warranty period. I think it's 2, maybe 3, years.

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
^ this man knows.

Maybe I should destroy my ecksbawks. It RROD'd twice and the warranty is expired... Not fancying the whole x clamp method of repair.

I couldn't think of a fitting end for mine, but I was handed the idea of blowing it up, and I'm going to run with it.


So me and Josh wrote a song about our teacher today. Then another teacher saw it.

This is a _____ ____ pisstake song
So everybody come sit down and fucking laugh along
"Sweat rash? whatever. Lack of bra? who cares."
Inter-work relationships are hilarious.

And it goes on.


Oh yes. What else are we expected to do?

"Keep playing that metal, Josh. It's very relaxing."
"Don't you mean ambient?"
"I don't know what that means.. whatever."