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The How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb party room HD remix 2 turbo

Abe Froeman

Gamer Dad
Enforcer Team
I have no clue to be honest. Besides the visitor message thing, there are like 3-5 other things that trip that flashing box for my usergroup. I despise it.


MD Party Room
Thanks. Just out of curiosity, why does that happen?

If you want to remove them without a admin all you do is just check mark them then scroll down Moderation on the very bottom and then click Approve messages. Also thanks for the birthday wishes guys however today was a sad day where one of my friends Amal died today from cancer :( alot of my friends where in no mood to celebrate and was a sad day in general.


cant fux widdit
Yeah, sorry for your loss man.

On a brighter note I woke up to a girl I used to like and still kinda do in bed with my best friend and the news my grandma is slowly getting worse.


Yeah, sorry for your loss man.

On a brighter note I woke up to a girl I used to like and still kinda do in bed with my best friend and the news my grandma is slowly getting worse.

Same. My Grandad's been put into care because he's so bad now.

What a jolly day this is.


New Member
If you want to remove them without a admin all you do is just check mark them then scroll down Moderation on the very bottom and then click Approve messages. Also thanks for the birthday wishes guys however today was a sad day where one of my friends Amal died today from cancer :( alot of my friends where in no mood to celebrate and was a sad day in general.

Did he know he had cancer, or was is something they discovered after the fact? If you don't mind saying.


MD Party Room
We knew she had cancer :( We where hoping she would get better.


MD Party Room
I got the new Jawbone Icon today, so far I love it.


MD Party Room
O I also just got a DSI for 85 bucks... Even if there are no real dsi games


MD Party Room
Fuck you Gorverment 1300 that a crap ton of money for me :( What the hell is the point of working if 75% of my bank account is gone.


MD Party Room
I somehow have to pay $1300 in taxes for 2009 and I have like 1700 in my bank account. A majority of my bank account is gone thanks to those taxes, This is about 2-3 months pay check for me. To this I say Fuck you government


What the hell is the point of working if 75% of my bank account is gone.
So that you can buy food to survive, pay for living space, buy cool stuff, and then at the end of the year pay off your taxes?

Craig Fairfax

illuminati Vereran
I somehow have to pay $1300 in taxes for 2009 and I have like 1700 in my bank account. A majority of my bank account is gone thanks to those taxes, This is about 2-3 months pay check for me. To this I say Fuck you government

It sounds like you have a job where your taxes aren't taken out of your check.
It also sounds like government is fucking you, not the other way around.


Seth's On A Boat.
It sounds like you have a job where your taxes aren't taken out of your check.
It also sounds like government is fucking you, not the other way around.

One word: Fairtax. Look it up.

I could go on for hours why the IRS is a giant corrupt failure and needs to gtfo..but this isn't a political thread, so I'll end that there :).


MD Party Room
It sounds like you have a job where your taxes aren't taken out of your check.
It also sounds like government is fucking you, not the other way around.

Hell yea they are I have about 4 different taxes I pay for So sec, Medicare, fed inc, and pri state tax I think they took 700 bucks out of my pay check last year alone.