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The How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb party room HD remix 2 turbo


MD Party Room
* delver art here*


New Member
welcome to 2008



so i broke the screen on my 8330. its been off for about 3 weeks now. i looked in my mail yesterday and the $7 dollar screen from ebay was there. i just put it on guys. shit is so cash.


New Member
Fucksssss yesssssssss!


MFM Survivor
Crooked X Home

Don't know if you've heard of "Crooked X"
It's this band of 14 year olds from Oklahoma.
Just bought the CD and they are fucking good for their age.
Of course, the lyrics lack some interest.
Can't wait to hear them in 5 years when they get more serious lyrics.