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The How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb party room HD remix 2 turbo


Active Member
I like turtles.



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o rly?


Why uncaps?


yah rly.

You better read the post before you. It has a Blastoise in it.

I've noticed, if Blastoise was real, it would be so bad animal cruelty. I think i heard of a case like that actually...

ino wot we can do rite. wel get a turtl, put it on steroids and shove canons up its ass. lol i fink we shud liek spray a lizard orange a set it on fire. fink we shud get a dinosor 2 and plant ivy in it's skin den we shud shrink wif mah lasorz and den imprison em in a tiny littl ball.

That is how pok