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The site is not counting the number of hours


New Member
The site has not been counting the number of hours on the psn. I've been seeing the privacy settings and they're disabled, I don't know what's going on. Could you help me? Thank you
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I have been having the same problem for a couple of weeks. It counts the games, but not the hours.
A few people on Reddit said this is only happening with PS4 playtime and that PS5 playtime was updating just fine. I don't have a PS5, is there anyone that can check that?
I confirm that it happens to me with PS4

Yup, the problem is confirmed to be with PS4 game playtime. What I'd like to confirm is if PS5 game playtime updates correctly. If someone has PS5 games on their Exophase profile and can confirm, I think that would help. That way we can understand if it's just for PS4 playtime or if PS5 playtime is impacted as well.
No meu caso, além do tempo de jogo não aparecer, o próprio aplicativo do Playstation também parou de atualizar em meados de novembro, apenas os troféus ainda aparecem, o PS4 também, verifique o aplicativo do Playstation para ver se também parou de atualizar nos jogados recentemente.
Não me lembro se houve alguma atualização em novembro que pudesse ter causado esse problema, já olhei as configurações de privacidade e está tudo bem aí, o estranho é que quando vou na opção de jogos ocultos, alguns jogos que são de PS4 aparecem como de PS3, não sei se esse pode ser o problema, tipo joguei DMC 5 que está no PS4 mas nessa opção de ocultar jogos ele aparece como um jogo de PS3
Não me lembro se houve alguma atualização em novembro que pudesse ter causado esse problema, já olhei as configurações de privacidade e está tudo bem aí, o estranho é que quando vou na opção de jogos ocultos, alguns jogos que são de PS4 aparecem como de PS3, não sei se esse pode ser o problema, tipo joguei DMC 5 que está no PS4 mas nessa opção de ocultar jogos ele aparece como um jogo de PS3

I translated your comment to English below. PS4 games somehow being misreported as PS3 games is really bizarre - I think you may have figured out why this is happening on a technical level. It must be some API issue on PSN’s end. It’s been more than a month now and the issue still isn’t resolved, so I hope they do actually fix it and PS4 playtimes aren’t just broken forever.


“I don't remember if there was any update in November that could have caused this problem, I've already looked at the privacy settings and everything is fine there, the strange thing is that when I go to the hidden games option, some games that are PS4 appear as PS3, I don't know if that could be the problem, like I played DMC 5 that is on PS4 but in this option to hide games it appears as a PS3 game”
No meu caso, além do tempo de jogo não aparecer, o próprio aplicativo do Playstation também parou de atualizar em meados de novembro, apenas os troféus ainda aparecem, o PS4 também, verifique o aplicativo do Playstation para ver se também parou de atualizar nos jogados recentemente.
Sim, confirmo parou também de atualizar nos jogados recentemente para mim também em novembro.
Não sei se pode ter sido alguma atualização na ps4 que pode ter causado esse problema, mas penso que não seja dos jogos ocultos porque para mim também aparece jogos de ps4 ser de ps3 mas isso deve ser algum bug do sistema, penso que possa ser da ultima atualização que provocou este problema pois muitos jogadores tem estado a relatar o mesmo.
I translated your comment to English below. PS4 games somehow being misreported as PS3 games is really bizarre - I think you may have figured out why this is happening on a technical level. It must be some API issue on PSN’s end. It’s been more than a month now and the issue still isn’t resolved, so I hope they do actually fix it and PS4 playtimes aren’t just broken forever.


“I don't remember if there was any update in November that could have caused this problem, I've already looked at the privacy settings and everything is fine there, the strange thing is that when I go to the hidden games option, some games that are PS4 appear as PS3, I don't know if that could be the problem, like I played DMC 5 that is on PS4 but in this option to hide games it appears as a PS3 game”
I also hope that the playtime has not been lost forever, this is really strange what has been going on, I don't know if this had happened before but I hope the next update will solve this.
According to some Reddit users, looks like the PS4 problem has been fixed. I could not check it yet, but looks promising. Someone has checked it?

So as of a few days ago, I've also been hearing reports that it's now fixed or at least partially fixed. I tested this pretty thoroughly over the past few days and discovered the following:
  • PS4 Playtime should now be updating successfully as of December 24th, 2023 after being completely broken as of early November 2023.
  • Some games should now update all missing hours played to their total playtime but some games do not, which makes the playtime of games that do not update unfortunately lost forever. It seems hit or miss as to which games update and why.
  • In my case, the playtime from games I played in November have all been lost. I was worried this would happen, but was prepared either way.
  • To test this, I started a PS4 game I played for 12 hours in November (Tales from The Borderlands) and then let it run for about half an hour. I then closed the game, turned off my PS4, and forced a manual sync on my Exophase profile. A few minutes later, I could see the playtime increased, but only for the half an hour I let it run and not the full 12 hours I played in November.
  • Here's the craziest part: the 12 hours I played in November are tracked in my PlayStation Wrapup, along with the other games I played in November! So it's clear playtime tracking itself never broke, but somehow the reporting of playtime tracking broke instead.
  • Since I know I'm missing 12 hours from Tales from the Borderlands on PS4 (and because I'm a little OCD), I'm going to let the game run for 12 hours to accurately report the time played. It's a little overkill, I know, but it's easy to do and will make me feel like I "recovered" that missing time played.
TL;DR: PS4 playtime tracking now works, please force a manual update on your profile to check. Some games will update all missing playtime but some unfortunately will not. For anything that does not update, please check your 2023 Yearly Wrapup. You should hopefully see your full playtime there.
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So as of a few days ago, I've also been hearing reports that it's now fixed or at least partially fixed. I tested this pretty thoroughly over the past few days and discovered the following:
  • PS4 Playtime should now be updating successfully as of December 24th, 2023 after being completely broken as of early November 2023.
  • Some games should now update all missing hours played to their total playtime but some games do not, which makes the playtime of games that do not update unfortunately lost forever. It seems hit or miss as to which games update and why.
  • In my case, the playtime from games I played in November have all been lost. I was worried this would happen, but was prepared either way.
  • To test this, I started a PS4 game I played for 12 hours in November (Tales from The Borderlands) and then let it run for about half an hour. I then closed the game, turned off my PS4, and forced a manual sync on my Exophase profile. A few minutes later, I could see the playtime increased, but only for the half an hour I let it run and not the full 12 hours I played in November.
  • Here's the craziest part: the 12 hours I played in November are tracked in my PlayStation Wrapup, along with the other games I played in November! So it's clear playtime tracking itself never broke, but somehow the reporting of playtime tracking broke instead.
  • Since I know I'm missing 12 hours from Tales from the Borderlands on PS4 (and because I'm a little OCD), I'm going to let the game run for 12 hours to accurately report the time played. It's a little overkill, I know, but it's easy to do and will make me feel like I "recovered" that missing time played.
TL;DR: PS4 playtime tracking now works, please force a manual update on your profile to check. Some games will update all missing playtime but some unfortunately will not. For anything that does not update, please check your 2023 Yearly Wrapup. You should hopefully see your full playtime there.
mine came back before the 24th, like the 21st or 22nd, the one from November was actually lost, on the PS app the recent games and the time also appeared again, on the PS4 in the hidden games section the games appeared again in the part of the PS4 that were not appearing before either.
In my case I lost almost all the played hours of the two games that I was playing (RDR2 and TLOU2).

I don't know how many hours I played but I have an aproximate time in mind.

In the case of TLOU2 I lost everything I think since it didn't recover nothing, but In the case of RDR2 I played yesterday like 15minutes and the played time was increased like almost one hour, so I guess I recovered one of my last gaming session that might be like 1 hour aprox.
In my case I lost almost all the played hours of the two games that I was playing (RDR2 and TLOU2).

I don't know how many hours I played but I have an aproximate time in mind.

In the case of TLOU2 I lost everything I think since it didn't recover nothing, but In the case of RDR2 I played yesterday like 15minutes and the played time was increased like almost one hour, so I guess I recovered one of my last gaming session that might be like 1 hour aprox.
Yeah that seems to be the case for a lot of people unfortunately. It's a bummer, but at least the issue is now resolved.

I would check your 2023 Yearly Wrap Up and compare playtimes there. The Yearly Wrap Up is 100% accurate, so you can always just let your games run to catch up to that time.
In my case I lost almost all the played hours of the two games that I was playing (RDR2 and TLOU2).

I don't know how many hours I played but I have an aproximate time in mind.

In the case of TLOU2 I lost everything I think since it didn't recover nothing, but In the case of RDR2 I played yesterday like 15minutes and the played time was increased like almost one hour, so I guess I recovered one of my last gaming session that might be like 1 hour aprox.
In my case there were some games that I lost the hours played others not, what is always worth is the wrap up of the ps4, something that I will check to see if the playtime there match with the ones here.