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that.... is..... disgusting. whats next? Hannah fucking Montana?
I'm usually tolerant to bad Disney/Nick music (Hanna Montana, Jonas Brothers), but NBB I just can't stand.
What the hell is Naked Brothers Band? And why does it piss you off that there is DLC you don't like?

There's been loads of songs that I don't like, so you know what I do? I don't buy them.

Besides it's not like that's the only DLC this week.
Well, for the 500th song, we were promised something epic. Instead, we get miranda consgrove (another nickelodeon singer).
This is just a ploy to get little kids to buy the game....

I know if rockband had some Hannah Montana or high school musical... It be a little easy to sell to my mom...To get for me little sisters...
TheMasterChef said:
Well, for the 500th song, we were promised something epic. Instead, we get miranda consgrove (another nickelodeon singer).
That song is free. Free DLC is never anything to bitch about.

Have you considered that thanksgiving (A time when all the family gets together) might have something to do with these family friendly songs?

Judging by this thread I would've thought these childish songs would be your sort of thing. If not then grow up and realise that Harmonix are out to make money, appealing to a wider audience is one way of doing that.
I had no idea American thanksgiving was today until I talked to xigency on aim. Canadian thanksgiving is in October, so I can understand why TheMasterChef couldn't have made the subtle connection