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TimeSplitters 4 in trouble?


I'm not dead
Rumor: Free Radical In A Whole Lot Of Trouble?

Article said:
Apparently staff arrived at the company offices today to find them all locked up.

Which is never a good sign. Especially when there are also security guards posted outside to stop employees from getting in.

We hear that a meeting's taking place about now to explain what's going on, but if it doesn't involve:

a) the closure of the studio, who have developed TimeSplitters, Second Sight & Haze

or at least

b) mass layoffs

We'd be awful surprised. Unless the bosses decided to lock everyone out so they could sort out their secret santa lists. Though that scenario is, admittedly, less likely.

Will be such a shame if Haze is their last game. What an awful way to be remembered.

EA published Future Perfect so I wonder if they may bail them out.
TimeSplitters 4 is one of my most anticipated games, and that's without seeing any footage or screenshots. Even Haze didn't put me off because at it's core the mechanics in it worked perfectly, and the multiplayer was good. Which is what a TimeSplitters game will always be about, good mechanics and multiplayer (and monkeys).

Edit: We should all do our bit and go and buy as many copies of Haze that we can afford (new so that they count). If it suddenly shoots up to the number 1 selling christmas game I'm sure they'd be able to find someone to save them. lol
Haze was one of the best multiplayer splitscreens I ever saw...
TimeSplitters Future Perfect OWNED it though :D
Haze was one of the best multiplayer splitscreens I ever saw...
TimeSplitters Future Perfect OWNED it though :D
Is that sarcasm or did you really like it?

Cos I agree that the multiplayer was great but that's because Free Radical know how to make multiplayer work.

I even enjoyed the campaign of Haze but it was very flawed and ultimately not a game that I decided to hold onto. Once the online servers started to become deserted I got rid of it.
This is under multiplatform? I thought Timesplitters was always a Playstation exclusive?

Anyway, if they shut down because of Haze then, well they deserve it. I'm sorry, but if your going to hype up shit games, then expect to feel the repercussions.
Is that sarcasm or did you really like it?

Cos I agree that the multiplayer was great but that's because Free Radical know how to make multiplayer work.

protip for infinity ward: include bots next time

And yes, I was going to buy Haze based solely on splitscreen as a bargain bin buy on Play.com (80% off)... Hell, buy some copies for friends and play online with headsets, that's how cheap the game is.
This is under multiplatform? I thought Timesplitters was always a Playstation exclusive?

Anyway, if they shut down because of Haze then, well they deserve it. I'm sorry, but if your going to hype up shit games, then expect to feel the repercussions.
GameFAQs Game Search - TimeSplitters

You think they deserve to shut down because they made one game that didn't meet expectations? If every developer only made one bad game then the games industry would be a hell of a lot better. There have been many games worse than Haze out this year but those developers aren't shutting down.

Haze was a let down after all the hype but it was far from shit.
Timesplitters IS STILL an epic game. I spent hours playing timesplitters with my friends. It would be such a shame to dump the series. I've been waiting so long for the release on the PS3.
I guess I'm the only one, but I absolutely hate the Timesplitters games. I played Timesplitters 2 on the PS2 with my cousin, and I didn't enjoy more than 30 seconds of it.

So, I'm not sad to see TimeSplitters go by the wayside, but it is disappointing to see another company in the gaming industry potentially fail in these tough times.
I guess I'm the only one, but I absolutely hate the Timesplitters games. I played Timesplitters 2 on the PS2 with my cousin, and I didn't enjoy more than 30 seconds of it.

So, I'm not sad to see TimeSplitters go by the wayside, but it is disappointing to see another company in the gaming industry potentially fail in these tough times.

Yeah, I was afraid to say that I don't like it for fear of being ripped apart by the majority that like it. I played the first and second and I really don't understand what people like about it... I didn't enjoy playing it at all.
Pretty much confirmed

Wonder how far into TS4 they were, could still be saved I guess.

Maybe Sony or MS will give them in house jobs or try to outbid each other.
That's just a rewording of the same info at the start of the thread. It's no more confirmation than what was originally said.

If Sony are smart they'll buy them out. TS4 becoming exclusive will do wonders for them.
That's just a rewording of the same info at the start of the thread. It's no more confirmation than what was originally said.

There was a bit at the end that info about what happened at the meeting.

Later on Thursday, our source updated us with more inside information from the Free Radical staff meeting that took place at a hotel near the studio. Apparently, Free Radical knew the urgency of its situation six months ago.

Co-founder Ellis was "visibly upset" when he talked to the staff, the source said. "[He] told staff how very sorry he was and they'd been doing all they could, working flat-out to either find a publisher or a buyer over the past six months, but no offers were made. There have been several visits to the States, but to no avail."

About 20 staff members were offered positions, possibly with Ellis' new venture, Pumpkin Beach, although this is yet to be confirmed. The rest of the employees were told in a separate room that they would be laid off.

Staff had reportedly been paid to the end of December, but are not expected to receive any further compensation "as there was nothing left to give."

Reps from U.K. game makers Codemasters and Monumental Games were at the hotel after the meeting asking for CVs and applications from former Free Radical staffers.

Shame is, they'll probably get to work on some new Wii IP.
This is very disappointing...

I used to play TS1/2/3 for hours on end with friends, and this was definetly something i was looking for.
That's just a rewording of the same info at the start of the thread. It's no more confirmation than what was originally said.

If Sony are smart they'll buy them out. TS4 becoming exclusive will do wonders for them.
Yeah, but it wont do wonders for me... I'd rather play this on the 360 controller, thank you very much.
I guess I'm the only one, but I absolutely hate the Timesplitters games. I played Timesplitters 2 on the PS2 with my cousin, and I didn't enjoy more than 30 seconds of it.

So, I'm not sad to see TimeSplitters go by the wayside, but it is disappointing to see another company in the gaming industry potentially fail in these tough times.

I wasn't a big fan of the series either
TimeSplitters is the craziest shooter I've ever played (well, Serios Sam and MDK2 were crazy, too). And I enjoyed every minute of it. Especially multiplayer, now that was the core of the game. With mapmaker and a plethora of game modes to play in, the game never got old. Not to me, anyway.

My favorite mission was the haunted mansion in TS3. I've had dreamed of a game like L4D ever since, and it finally came around. :tup: What took so long?! :P
Yeah, but it wont do wonders for me... I'd rather play this on the 360 controller, thank you very much.
Personal preference. MS don't need any help selling consoles so the best thing for TS4 would be to remain multi platform (if it ever happens).

There was a bit at the end that info about what happened at the meeting.
Oh sorry I didn't read right through.

Such a shame :(
If this is true, I'm quitting gaming... I'll sell my consoles, my PC, and get a cheap Blu-Ray player and Laptop.

Seriously, this is the worst fucking news, ever.