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[TUTORIAL] Adding two more firmwares to TimeMachine



This is guide to add two more firmwares to your TimeMachine.

Background Information: This is a guide to convert your DC6/ DC7/ DC8 into fully fledged TimeMachine firmwares. I found this out when tinkering with TimeMachine / DC6. With this trick that I found out, the Pandora core in DC6/DC7/DC8 is then patched into an M33 one instead. Also, this trick is useful for those looking for more TimeMachine firmwares or those bored of the current ones.

DISCLAIMER: This is 100% legal to do, and has ZERO copyrighted material in the files / downloads that I provided. All the files within attachements added are M33 code.


- A MagicStick with the TimeMachine IPL Loader installed.
- A Pandora’s Battery
- The MagicStick must have DC6 / DC7, or DC8 or all installed on it. (It is recommended you use PSP Pandora Deluxe to install the DC6/ DC7 and DC8 all at once to your MemoryStick. and have IPL Loader installed from there as the TimeMachine operates faster if everything is installed at once.
- A PSP Phat (I don’t have a PSP Slim anymore so I couldn’t obtain the M33 files needed for this trick to work.)

Part 1: Adding 5.00 M33-4 to your TimeMachine.

First you will need to download the DC8 Patch Simple Method.

Open up / extract the contents of the zip file you downloaded.
Enter your PSP into USB mode.
Locate and copy the 4 files with .BIN extenstion and paste them into ms0:/TM/DC8/kd. Exit USB Mode.
And presto! An M33 firmware is now available for TimeMachine use. :D

Part 2: Adding 4.01 M33-2 as a TimeMachine firmware.
First, you need the DC6 / DC7 Patch - Simple Method or an alternate method (NOT RECOMMENDED!) is jx233's Secondary DC6 / DC7 Mod. It is recommended to use the Simple Method instead as it is faster and more reliable.

Open up / extract the contents of the zip file you downloaded.
Enter your PSP into USB mode.
Locate and copy the 4 files with the .BIN extension and paste them into ms0:/TM/DC6/kd or ms0:/TM/DC7/kd.
And voila! A fresh 4.01 M33-2 is available for TimeMachine use. 8)

Kudos to Hellcat for making Recovery Flasher, without him, I could not have dumped and unsignchecked the M33 files I needed.

Kudos to the developer of BTCNF Edit V3, editing and recompiling BTNCF files was very necessary for this “trick” to have TimeMachine firmwares.

And kudos to anyone else I didn’t mention. :smile:

Last Notes:

I am going to work on getting the TimeMachine Version of PSP Slim 4.01 M33-2 to work, so that will be up sometime soon.

I can’t get the PSP Slim 5.00 M33-4 on TimeMachine to work, since I don’t have access to the M33 files for 5.00 M33-4. If anyone has a PSP Slim running 5.00 M33-4, dump 5.00 M33-4 firmware using Recovery Flasher and obtain pspbtjnf.bin, pspbtknf.bin, pspbtlnf.bin and add them as an attachment in a ZIP file.

If you need help on this, do not hesitate to ask. I will try to help out. :wink: