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[Tutorial] Making your own music!


$ ./savage.sh
In this tut I am going to show you a way you can create your own music in minutes.
First of all, get yourself a good and easy seqeuncer.
The one I'm going to use for this tut is Image-line's Fruityloops Studio 7. (8 is newer, but I haven't updated yet.)
It doesn't have a huge learning curve and is quite easy to use.

Let's get going.
First of all, download a trial of FL studio 8. (aprox 102MB)
Now install it.
Forget all the "Asio4all", "Rewire" things for now.
You don't need them.

Now when you installed it, you'll be greeted with this screen:

"... W-What's that?!"
Don't give up just yet!

Can you see the seqeuncer?
"The window with the Kick, Clap, Hi-hat and Snare in it?"


Now, check the 1st step, 2nd step, 3rd step and 4th step on the kick like this:

Now press the spacebar or click on the large "play" button at the top of your screen.

You can hear the 4x4 beat?
"Yeah =D!"
Good job.
You just created your own "music".
Mind cleaning that up?
Now to add some other instruments.
Move your pattern up to 2 like this:

Check the 2nd and the 4th step on the clap like this:

Move up another pattern and right click on the HiHat sample and click the "Fill each 2 steps" like this:

"Yeah, that's nice and all, but how do I combine all the instruments then?"
Well, can you see the small button right next to the play button that says "Song"?
... Click it.
"... Nothing changes."

Oh, my bad, first left click it and then right click it again.
"Oh, another window!"
Yep, and that is where you "Compose" your songs.
It looks like this:

Now, right click on "pattern 1" and click on rename.
Name it "Kick".
Do the same for pattern 2 and pattern 3.
So it should be like this:
Pattern 1 becomes "Kick"
Pattern 2 becomes "Clap"
Pattern 3 becomes "HiHat"

Now start drawing bars on each line of the sequencer.
Like this:

(Notice I left the "kick" away for one bar at the ending, this will give you a break sort of thing.)

Now press the spacebar!
Presto! you just created a dance-like song!
"**** YEAH!"
... Right.

Still sounds a bit empty right?
"Sorta yeah..."
Let's fix that!
Hit Ctrl+F in FL.
A smart search dialog should pop up.
Type "BASS_EfEm_C2" and press enter.

Click-and-drag it to your sequencer.
Now go up another pattern right click and click on "Piano roll".
You'll be greeted with a new window.
It looks a bit like the Song sequencer, but notice the piano keys at the right.

Now draw a off-beat bass.
Put the notes at G3 like this:

Now put it right under the Kick, clap and HiHat in your song sequencer like this:

You created your first "track"!
Now, start experimenting and make some sick tunes.

Greetings, Savage.


We had to create something like this in school, i was around 10. I think the software was called Busta-something. Each person had to pair up with a partner, create their own track and show it to the class.

Cool tut tho, might give it a try when i have some spare time.


$ ./savage.sh
We had to create something like this in school, i was around 10. I think the software was called Busta-something. Each person had to pair up with a partner, create their own track and show it to the class.

Cool tut tho, might give it a try when i have some spare time.
Heh, nice.
We only get to play with a Keyboard in Music class -___-