• Steam recently changed the default privacy settings for all users. This may impact tracking. Ensure your profile has the correct settings by following the guide on our forums.

Tweet Your Gaming Activity - Twitter Integration for Profiles


Staff member
Enforcer Team
Game Info Editor

We've added a new option to link your Exophase profile with a Twitter account. When linked, our app will periodically send out a tweet notifying followers of your last played game across PSN, Steam and Xbox Live. Down the line we may expand on this with ability to control the frequency of updates, but for now, it's locked at every 24 hours.

Taking advantage of this feature is easy: simply head on over to the My Profile page and click Edit Account.

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Nice Love it
I see it under Social, but there's just text that says "Link your Exophase account with Twitter and your recent game activity will be displayed to your followers once every 24 hours." but there's nothing to actually click on or go to, to actually link them.

There's nothing for Facebook either, only thing I was able to do was verify my Steam account on the Social page.
I see it under Social, but there's just text that says "Link your Exophase account with Twitter and your recent game activity will be displayed to your followers once every 24 hours." but there's nothing to actually click on or go to, to actually link them.

There's nothing for Facebook either, only thing I was able to do was verify my Steam account on the Social page.

Strange, not sure what would be causing that to be honest. What browser? You may also want to try a force refresh (CTRL+F5)

This is how it should look:
I figured it out, I'm using Chrome but it was Adblock Plus blocking it for some reason. This site is great though, So I should have turned it off anyway, heh. All good now.
Just a heads-up, we have for now removed the option to link a Twitter account. It seems Twitter without any warning has disabled our API access. It is my understanding they were launching some new paid plans, but as far as I'm aware it was never communicated to us to upgrade to those.
Access has been restored so we've re-enabled tweets for the time being.
Another update on Twitter support -- they completely retired the v1.1 API today, which means we had to move to v2.0.

If you linked your account prior to today's changes, you'll have to re-authenticate with Twitter as all the legacy access tokens used to post tweets are expired. Unlinking/Relinking the account will accomplish the same thing. You can do this from the Social tab of your account page here: https://www.exophase.com/account/