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Twitter linked but does not tweet out my gaming status


New Member
My Twitter account shows linked and I have not seen any tweets by Exophase of my gaming status and/or achievements. Any thoughts?
Thank you,
Looking at your profile settings, you have tweets currently disabled right now (option is under Preferences on the Account page at the bottom). It's also setup to only tweet between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM FYI, by default this is set to any time.
Bumping this post again. It's been a week and I haven't seen a single tweet despite all the settings being enabled to do so in Exophase.
Bumping this post again. It's been a week and I haven't seen a single tweet despite all the settings being enabled to do so in Exophase.
Last played game is showing September 29 on your profile so that would be why.

I see FFXIV Online was played October 6 but it is currently being filtered out by one of your profile settings (Hide games without achievements setting I believe). Anything not visible on the main profile page won’t be tweeted.
Well that's incorrect the last time I played Assassin's Creed Valhalla was October 3rd and again today. Yet somehow Exophase is still not seeing that?
Your privacy settings are probably set to private. I'd suggest checking that. Also, have you unlocked any new achievements in Valhalla? For some platforms, we don't receive any 'last played' data so we use achievement unlocks to determine that if I recall correctly. Which platform are you playing Valhalla from?
What privacy settings in Twitter specifically? As for permissions Exophase has read and write access as of September 28th.

I play AC Valhalla from the PC. No new achievements recently.
There is another guy I follow that plays AC Valhalla and his Twitter posts daily updates when he plays - independent of achievements.
I don’t think there are any privacy settings on Ubisoft currently. Yes, we use the last unlock date if no last played record can be found which seems to be happening in your case. Some platforms don’t provide a last played date at all, but there should be one for Ubisoft games.

I’ll take a look at the Ubisoft scanning, it doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the tweet function though. Last played is showing 29th for AC, so yeah, we wouldn’t have attempted to send out a tweet since that’s past 24 hours after you changed settings on the 30th.