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Upgrading PC help


I recently bought a new desktop off ebay and want to do some upgrading. The guy I bought it from upgraded the graphics card from the cheap stock intel card to an ATI 5770 but left the 400watt power supply so first I want to upgrade to at least a 600 watt power supply. Also I'd like to add a blu ray drive and possibly a SSD just to store the OS.

What I want to know is does it matter what type of power supply I get? There are so many and Im not sure whats the difference between them. Same goes for a blu ray drive. And if I get a SSD can i just copy my OS over to it from my current HDD?

Im pretty sure my desktop has the slots for all these upgrades but just to be safe will I be able to do these upgrades with this case?

The PSU is the most important component you can buy. Cheap ones can kill your PC very easily.

Anyways, what's your budget and what case do you have?
There's diffrrences in their ratings in how efficient tbey are. A 600w gold will be more than a 600w bronze. Technically you can copy/ghost the hdd to a ssd if you got one but its highly recomended that you do a reinstall on a new hdd, especially moving to a ssd.
Power supply.
Blu-Ray drive.

If you don't want a modular PSU you can get one with more wattage, but with your case (any case really) a modular power supply is kind of a necessity.

Also if you plan on upgrading your PC to a gaming rig you're probably going to need a new case. Airflow isn't great in that one.
Power supply.
Blu-Ray drive.

If you don't want a modular PSU you can get one with more wattage, but with your case (any case really) a modular power supply is kind of a necessity.

Also if you plan on upgrading your PC to a gaming rig you're probably going to need a new case. Airflow isn't great in that one.

Thanks. I'll probably get a new case when I do my next round of upgrades.