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What game should I buy?


Well today is the last day for gamefly's black Friday deal and I can get $20 off any game over $30 and $10 off any game under $30. I'm not really sure what to get but heres some of the noteworthy titles they have for sale for cheap:

GTA IV(PS3 or 360)-$10
Soul Calibur 4-$11(360) $19(PS3)
Fallout 3-$23
DMC 4-$1 lol
Sid Meier's Civilization Revolution-$11
Ninja Gaiden 2-$12
BF Bad Company-$11
MGS 4-$14
Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice-$10
Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction-$10
Mk vs DC-$23

I have both Mk vs DC and fallout 3 out from gamefly now so I probably wont buy those since I can just play them now for as long as I please. I would really like to add some more games to my PS3 library so I'm leaning towards either Disgaea 3 or MGS 4 but I haven't played either. So what would pick out of these games. Thanks for the help in advance :tup:
Idk about a lot of those games, I can tell you BF Bad Company is good (story is ok, but online is where it's at). Civilization Revolution is really fun too - it has a lot of replay potential.
What part of the world are in you in? Todays like sunday...

I want Disgaea 3...So get that..
MGS4 is really good, but there are about eight hours of cutscenes. The game itself is still around 12 hours long, but some people hate that amount.

DMC4 is also a steal at a buck. I had a huge amount of fun when I rented it.
Well apparently the deal wasn't as good gamefly made it out to be so I could only get $10 off games instead of $20. Still a pretty decent deal compared to retail prices but since I didn't really want any of those games I decided not to get anything.

I'd pick up Resistance 2, Sinful. FUN game with a great coop mode.
Ill give Resistance 2 a rent as soon as I finish MK vs DC.
I'm talking serious fun man. I may never go back to Gears. I am fully addicted to leveling my character classes for the coop mode.
Yeah, the R2 beta was awesome (we got a 3 week beta in EU, think it was only 1 in US) and I really want to get that game, I'm trying to decide on that or LBP, but probably LBP for the fact that my friends are getting it and I can play with them online :D
I'm talking serious fun man. I may never go back to Gears. I am fully addicted to leveling my character classes for the coop mode.
I bet. I hear the co-op mode is like an MMO raid instance which sounds awesome. I loved those 100 man raids I use to do back in Everquest. Im still hooked on gears 2 multiplayer tho and have huge backlog of single player games to get through.
How's SP in R2 Abe?

Also Sinful, if you can pick up MGS4 for cheap I would. I loved the SP, so damn epic. Some amazing scenes near the last part of the game.
It’s fun. Gets a little repetitive in the beginning and since there was no option to adjust the overall brightness in the game, I had to use the flashlight a lot. That was really my only gripe.

I never finished the first one, but the story made sense and was well put together. You do get a lot of background info and intel from the hidden briefcases scattered about. They help to tie in the plot. On top of that, the coop mode where you play as Specters is also tied to what goes on throughout the single player campaign.

My biggest gripe is that the damn dual shock controller cripples my right hand after about an hour of playing a game with it. It’s too damn small for me.
Wait until you play an hour of coop on this, you'll see. Especially as the Medic.

Edit - I need one of those badly. Every time I go to a game store, I check and see if there are any thrid party PS3 controllers with a 360 controller shape.
I tried a bit of competitive, it felt like a downgrade from R1. Coop looks fun and addicting but I don't really tend to put much time into MP, although KZ2 has changed that quite a bit. I will give coop a shot, how are you finding the mic quality in R2?

I posted the wrong link.

No more thread derail from me.
It's just as bad as most PS3 games I've played online. People using a headset that has the sensitivity set too high so it picks up on every sound in their house, including the TV set. I mute those people pretty quickly from the launch page though. You only get 1-2 other people with mics in an eight person room though, so it's not that bad. (I've been using the official PS3 headset with this game.)

I may contact him with an offer to have one made for me. It would make playing anything on the PS3 much better for me.