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what the balls is this?

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Active Member
Torch said:
Well I guess my problem is I'm too nice, too idealistic. As of now I believe that relationships should be proper and genuine and all that crap, and I guess that simply doesn't work IRL, at least with people my age.

I don't really have any redeeming qualities aside from being fairly computer literate, which isn't something that's useful for attracting women... I'm not much of a conversationalist either, meaning I'm really really bad at talking about anything that's not related to computers or technology and stuff.

Oh and I haven't seen Pulp Fiction or Fight Club. That fact seems to shock many people if the topic ever arises, so I thought I'll mention it now.
You have seen Shindler's List though right?


cant fux widdit
*Epic film


Torch said:
Well I guess my problem is I'm too nice, too idealistic. As of now I believe that relationships should be proper and genuine and all that crap, and I guess that simply doesn't work IRL, at least with people my age.

I don't really have any redeeming qualities aside from being fairly computer literate, which isn't something that's useful for attracting women... I'm not much of a conversationalist either, meaning I'm really really bad at talking about anything that's not related to computers or technology and stuff.

Oh and I haven't seen Pulp Fiction or Fight Club. That fact seems to shock many people if the topic ever arises, so I thought I'll mention it now.
haha, you remind me of me, I'm very idealistic and nice and have a sense of honor and respect (most of the people I know well on this site will believe me on nothing but my word and that's because I'm honest and have no reason to lie [even steven admitted to trusting me a few times]) and I have girls all over me all the time.

Not really all over all the time, but I have a serious girl friend atm (not for much longer but that's not important right now [only gman knows what's up with that right now]). We met in high school and dated for a year before sex and that kinda stuff. Very "proper" relationship.

But I also know at least 3 girls who would be interested in just hanging out and having sex and shit with me for no real reason... Alcohol might need to be involved for a few of them though...

And yeah, watch more movies. Watch more cool ass shit like Humphrey Bogart movies too.


im worthless when it comes to being social with people at the same age as me, at least in real life. i barely know anyone really in my class, and they know less about me. im the quiet guy in the classroom that only speak when someone asks you something. and im too lazy to change my position.

beh, at least im good at other things.


madsoul said:
im worthless when it comes to being social with people at the same age as me, at least in real life. i barely know anyone really in my class, and they know less about me. im the quiet guy in the classroom that only speak when someone asks you something. and im too lazy to change my position.

beh, at least im good at other things.
I have a feeling most of us are like that. I've been in the same pool of like 200 students for 2 years and I know none of them at all.


Tenchitsu said:
Why do you think we're all on the internet so much?
yeah. And then you find shit out like that vanden lives damn close to me and I just figured it out.


MD Party Room
z357x said:
yeah. And then you find shit out like that vanden lives damn close to me and I just figured it out.
You do you Brad and HDD live right by us to...


MD Party Room
Google maps shows you like on a highway lol...


did you use that address?

It's an apartment so Google does not really know where to place the marker. But it's a decent approximation of where I'm at right now.

I'm much closer than that on the weekends.


Suck It
Kind of off topic, but it's pretty wild looking at that area from above. It's all mostly like a giant plot of squares everywhere for agricultural farm land. It's incredible seeing how much there is. I could get t owhere you're at in like 5 hours maybe


MD Party Room
This thread doesnt really have a topic..


Vanden said:
This thread doesnt really have a topic..
SHHH! No one has noticed that yet apparently. Don't ruin it.

But seriously the topic of this thread is me, so it's on topic.


Meta Moose
I noticed... but I don't see any harm in having a chat thread as long as it doesn't get out of hand.


MD Party Room
Bro you joined like 2 days ago and now you have a 100 post that crazy...


Active Member
Vanden said:
Bro you joined like 2 days ago and now you have a 100 post that crazy...

Something I've noticed with a lot of people. This forum is fairly new suddenly everyone has a fair chance at getting the highest post count. Remember, high post counts are awesome and, by extension, you are awesome for having one.


I don't care about post count, I just care about the fact I'm bored and this is entertaining to me.

I try to at least say SOMETHING when I post.
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