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Why are achievement cheaters allowed?

Hi, the title says all. I also reported several players that have plat a game with 0.0 hrs when it was suppose to be AT LEAST 150+ hrs...
If the report doesn't work, what's the point of all of this? Thanks
Reports take long time to process, they will get banned in week or two if they did cheat
A lot of the players you reported have hours hidden on Steam, impossible to say if they’ve cheated or not without looking more in depth.

Doesn’t mean they actually have 0 hours played if the hours are hidden on Steam.
A lot of the players you reported have hours hidden on Steam, impossible to say if they’ve cheated or not without looking more in depth.

Doesn’t mean they actually have 0 hours played if the hours are hidden on Steam.
That's interesting... I understand the fact that it takes more time to make the verification more in depth, but they will be check at the end or not?
Because I see lot of them for a long time and it seems more a strategy to get to the leaderboard rather than hiding hrs from steam profile
That's interesting... I understand the fact that it takes more time to make the verification more in depth, but they will be check at the end or not?
Because I see lot of them for a long time and it seems more a strategy to get to the leaderboard rather than hiding hrs from steam profile
They'll be checked eventually, but we typically put lower priority on these reports.

Playtime itself isn't a good thing to go by anyway- the counting isn't always accurate. Even if you have playtime visible, Steam doesn't count it when playing offline.

It's better to look at the unlock timestamps. The typical user that cheats doesn't spend much time making their timestamps look legit.
They'll be checked eventually, but we typically put lower priority on these reports.

Playtime itself isn't a good thing to go by anyway- the counting isn't always accurate. Even if you have playtime visible, Steam doesn't count it when playing offline.

It's better to look at the unlock timestamps. The typical user that cheats doesn't spend much time making their timestamps look legit.
Thanks for the explanation. Everything is more clear now
They'll be checked eventually, but we typically put lower priority on these reports.

Playtime itself isn't a good thing to go by anyway- the counting isn't always accurate. Even if you have playtime visible, Steam doesn't count it when playing offline.

It's better to look at the unlock timestamps. The typical user that cheats doesn't spend much time making their timestamps look legit.
I'm sorry to tell you that at the end you are wrong. I've double checked the timestaps of the guy you're saying is legit and he's really not: just look at the picture!
In FF VIII is not possible to get 9k kill in just 3 minutes! I'm sorry to tell you but there are cheaters out there that are much more cunning than you think... They don't even need to play offline: just go online, they use a software that unlocks the trophies every 2 minutes (as long as the timestap isn't exactly the same).
You should check more the reports that honest players like me do, because at the end your rankings really lose value and it's sad. It feels like I wasted lot of time on reports too...
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I'm sorry to tell you that at the end you are wrong. I've double checked the timestaps of the guy you're saying is legit and he's really not: just look at the picture!
In FF VIII is not possible to get 9k kill in just 3 minutes! I'm sorry to tell you but there are cheaters out there that are much more cunning than you think... They don't even need to play offline: just go online, they use a software that unlocks the trophies every 2 minutes (as long as the timestap isn't exactly the same).
You should check more the reports that honest players like me do, because at the end your rankings really lose value and it's sad. It feels like I wasted lot of time on reports too...View attachment 15631
They never said that he's legit lol, the only thing said was "they'll be checked" and they do check reports so you should just wait for some time before actions will be taken
They never said that he's legit lol, the only thing said was "they'll be checked" and they do check reports so you should just wait for some time before actions will be taken
If the cheaters are left in the ranking for a long time, it is as if the site accepts this form. Even if a "deeper" check needs to be done, I don't think it takes all this time to check the timestamps: it took me 5 minutes... Seeing that the site team/staff lets months and months go by without doing anything , makes me understand two things:

1) or team/staff are inactive/absent
2) or that they don't really check in depth and therefore the site is not reliable.

I'm not writing this post to judge other people's work, but put yourself in the shoes of a true achievement hunter who sweats to achieve something and then sees that it was all in vain. I just want to understand how reliable this site is and whether I should stay there since I really like it, or change it since there are many cheaters
If the cheaters are left in the ranking for a long time, it is as if the site accepts this form. Even if a "deeper" check needs to be done, I don't think it takes all this time to check the timestamps: it took me 5 minutes... Seeing that the site team/staff lets months and months go by without doing anything , makes me understand two things:

1) or team/staff are inactive/absent
2) or that they don't really check in depth and therefore the site is not reliable.

I'm not writing this post to judge other people's work, but put yourself in the shoes of a true achievement hunter who sweats to achieve something and then sees that it was all in vain. I just want to understand how reliable this site is and whether I should stay there since I really like it, or change it since there are many cheaters
While timestamps are good indication of someone cheating it doesn't mean they are foolproof, there's several ways suspicious timestamps can be potentially legit:
1. Save import from different device or app (cookie clicker, geometry dash)
2. Game has weird way of awarding achievements (The Binding of Isaac awards achievements upon closing and reopening the game)
3. Broken achievements getting fixed (mostly google play, but i'm sure this can be found on other platforms)
It isn't as obvious as you think it is and this is exactly why it takes time before any action is done

Cheaters are left ranked because it's literally impossible for small moderation team (that probably isn't a paid work but don't quote me on that) to check millions of people all by themself which is exactly why you should make reports - that way they don't need to go over each account but even then there's lots of reports that need to be carefully checked
That guy played the game for 0.0 hrs, the timestamps of all his trophies are 2-3 minutes from each other that it's impossible... do you srsly think he used different saved file game (around 40-50) to get the plat?! That doesn't make sense really.... Account like that should be removed immediatly from leaderboard, you don't need "extra useless" proof to understand he's a cheater and again: I waited for months so the report is useless at the end.

I also understand that people don't get pay to check tons of accounts, but I just wanted to understand the max potential of this website and honestly it doesn't have much. We are talking about a world rankings website and it should be checked more often with greater weight on timestaps etc... There are many other website that do the same job as you and don't take all this time, no offense: time that I would gladly wait if anyway I saw a good job done by the staff. So in the end I decided to go somewhere else, it's a shame because your interface was prettier, but other than that, I don't consider it a website for achievement hunters.

In the end you're telling me that if I use the SAM software and pay attention to the timestaps (i.e. I make it unlock the achievements one by one, paying close attention to the time) I can easily platinum the games without being banned from the rankings... Do you understand that this is absurd?!
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I wasn't aware we were discussing any particular users in this thread so I don't know about the FFVIII one, haven't looked at it yet.

I will just say that a few months ago you reported a high ranking user (top 500) for having only 11 hours in Terraria. No further details. We reviewed it and couldn’t find anything that was worthy of a removal. They aren’t banned on SH either and there are far more people checking the profiles there.

Maybe other sites won’t apply the same scrutiny to your reports, that’s fine, use them instead.

Don’t act like you are spending a ton of time with these reports though, 90% of them have been “user has X hours in game” with no further details. Others put way more effort into their reports.
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That guy played the game for 0.0 hrs, the timestamps of all his trophies are 2-3 minutes from each other that it's impossible... do you srsly think he used different saved file game (around 40-50) to get the plat?! That doesn't make sense really.... Account like that should be removed immediatly from leaderboard, you don't need "extra useless" proof to understand he's a cheater and again: I waited for months so the report is useless at the end.

I also understand that people don't get pay to check tons of accounts, but I just wanted to understand the max potential of this website and honestly it doesn't have much. We are talking about a world rankings website and it should be checked more often with greater weight on timestaps etc... There are many other website that do the same job as you and don't take all this time, no offense: time that I would gladly wait if anyway I saw a good job done by the staff. So in the end I decided to go somewhere else, it's a shame because your interface was prettier, but other than that, I don't consider it a website for achievement hunters.

In the end you're telling me that if I use the SAM software and pay attention to the timestaps (i.e. I make it unlock the achievements one by one, paying close attention to the time) I can easily platinum the games without being banned from the rankings... Do you understand that this is absurd?!
1. If the game has save import feature (didn't play that one, maybe it doesn't) i don't see how it "doesn't make sense". Also "removed immediately" bit: you know how queue works or even what is it? There's people other than you that reported someone earlier so it takes time to get to yours... Mindblowing, isn't it?

2. I literally said everything you need to know about timestamps and yet you still say how they are undeniable ultraconvincing proof, idk what to add there really, you should read what people reply to your messages instead of just skipping over that and continuing with your overfixation. Now to the "There are many other website that do the same job" part: show me at least one website that has that many different platforms, i'm really interested to see those.

3. Of course you won't get banned if you'll make absolutely undetectable work on cheating, but i doubt you are capable of that and even if you are: how other websites gonna know that you cheated? Unless they literally will ban anyone in sight if there's at least 1 report on them which is horrendous way of moderating stuff but works for you i guess. This whole part is almost as absurd as "Will this police department send me to jail if i'll kill someone and remove every single trace of their and my own existence?" of course not since there will be zero proof, and so with any other police department. Same principle works here: if you'll make perfect cheating method no one will think that you are cheating, no matter the website you using.
It absolutely looks like that you started this whole topic just to hate on this one website for some reason. In the end, the only thing that was truly absurd is that message, no offense :P
btw, by your logic this is too fast because 2 hours is too little for 26 achievements, but I bet it's totally different because it's your account XD
btw, by your logic this is too fast because 2 hours is too little for 26 achievements, but I bet it's totally different because it's your account XD
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You're funny lol... I see you don't really analyze the game that is reported.... We Were Here is a co-cop with only couple of levels for kids. If you watch a guide on youtube before playing it, you can even finish it in less than 1 hours. Did you at least watch the leaderboard of the game?! Everybody got the plat in less than 3 hrs!
Before I was talking about a game like Final Fantasy were developers make the hardest trophies you can achieve and everybody who played the game know that you can't get 9k of kills in just 3 minutes, it maybe requires months and that's why people struggle to get it!

You should know the games that are reported before judging it: at the end I did more accurate analysis in 5 minutes than the staff did in months while continuing to say nonsense things. Is this website pro cheaters or what?!

And what about you then? 0.05hrs in two games to get 100 trophies each?! LoL
How did you get all the trophies at the same time, please explain! ahahaa
At least my timestamps are regular while yours.... What a cheater! I will report you for sure, thanks for showing me that!

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I wasn't aware we were discussing any particular users in this thread so I don't know about the FFVIII one, haven't looked at it yet.

I will just say that a few months ago you reported a high ranking user (top 500) for having only 11 hours in Terraria. No further details. We reviewed it and couldn’t find anything that was worthy of a removal. They aren’t banned on SH either and there are far more people checking the profiles there.

Maybe other sites won’t apply the same scrutiny to your reports, that’s fine, use them instead.

Don’t act like you are spending a ton of time with these reports though, 90% of them have been “user has X hours in game” with no further details. Others put way more effort into their reports.
Dude: what other effort you want if somebody has completed a game in 0.0 hrs?! Are you srsly kidding me?!
If you watch a proper leaderboard of a game that actually require at least 100+ hrs to platinum, how do you think a guy got it in only 0.0?!
That's really funny if you need more explanation, especially if the timestamps are ALL at the same time.
Tell me the name of the guy I've reported which has completed Terraria in only 11 hrs, I will show you what was the reason because I've played and really plat that game and I know that just a couple of trophies already take 11 hours, so how is it possible that he did the entire game in the same time?
I wasn't aware we were discussing any particular users in this thread so I don't know about the FFVIII one, haven't looked at it yet.

I will just say that a few months ago you reported a high ranking user (top 500) for having only 11 hours in Terraria. No further details. We reviewed it and couldn’t find anything that was worthy of a removal. They aren’t banned on SH either and there are far more people checking the profiles there.

Maybe other sites won’t apply the same scrutiny to your reports, that’s fine, use them instead.

Don’t act like you are spending a ton of time with these reports though, 90% of them have been “user has X hours in game” with no further details. Others put way more effort into their reports.
I've found the guy you are talking about, he still on the leaderboard and he's 32 world rank.
Watching this picture, can you please explain me how did he beat 3 different world boss in only 3 minutes total?!
Even if he had all the item already to spawn them, the time to get there, the time for the fight, etc... should be more than 1 minute....
Just because it is one of the top ranks in the world, does not mean that it is always regular, on the contrary: it should be subject to more checks, don't you think?
It seems more like a person who played the game for a few hours, didn't like it because it was perhaps too long and boring, and therefore decided to unlock the achievements with SAM every few minutes to avoid suspecting doubts. Looking at the general leaderboard you notice that there are only 2 guys like him: everyone has at least 200/300+ hours in the game, those are more normal! If I check a little better, I'm sure I'll find other more suspicious things in his account, like: maybe he unlocked two achievements in two different games at the same time
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You're funny lol... I see you don't really analyze the game that is reported.... We Were Here is a co-cop with only couple of levels for kids. If you watch a guide on youtube before playing it, you can even finish it in less than 1 hours. Did you at least watch the leaderboard of the game?! Everybody got the plat in less than 3 hrs!
Before I was talking about a game like Final Fantasy were developers make the hardest trophies you can achieve and everybody who played the game know that you can't get 9k of kills in just 3 minutes, it maybe requires months and that's why people struggle to get it!

You should know the games that are reported before judging it: at the end I did more accurate analysis in 5 minutes than the staff did in months while continuing to say nonsense things. Is this website pro cheaters or what?!

And what about you then? 0.05hrs in two games to get 100 trophies each?! LoL
How did you get all the trophies at the same time, please explain! ahahaa
At least my timestamps are regular while yours.... What a cheater! I will report you for sure, thanks for showing me that!View attachment 15639
View attachment 15638
I did analyze the game i screenshotted, not reported you btw, i did that whole thing to show how your position that little time in game = cheating is not 100% correct and varies from case to case and you clearly didn't get the message ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

And for those games not sure if you are joking or not, but you have 5k achievements game completed in less than half an hour, just sayin', literally same thing applies to those
I've found the guy you are talking about, he still on the leaderboard and he's 32 world rank.
Watching this picture, can you please explain me how did he beat 3 different world boss in only 3 minutes total?!
Even if he had all the item already to spawn them, the time to get there, the time for the fight, etc... should be more than 1 minute....
Just because it is one of the top ranks in the world, does not mean that it is always regular, on the contrary: it should be subject to more checks, don't you think?
It seems more like a person who played the game for a few hours, didn't like it because it was perhaps too long and boring, and therefore decided to unlock the achievements with SAM every few minutes to avoid suspecting doubts. Looking at the general leaderboard you notice that there are only 2 guys like him: everyone has at least 200/300+ hours in the game, those are more normal! If I check a little better, I'm sure I'll find other more suspicious things in his account, like: maybe he unlocked two achievements in two different games at the same time
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You can grab zenith from other world/server and summon those bosses simultaneously with zero issue, you clearly think in one direction only that you like the most instead of going through several possible ways this could've happened
Actually, you don't even need to grab anything: you can simply join someone's server while they killing those bosses and get achievements, so it's completely possible to get those fast in more than one way even