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Why is PS2DEV.ORG so much offline lately?


Hey guys :)

Anyone knows why ps2dev is so much offline lately?
Wanted to checkout the PSP toolchain from their SVN, but everything ps2dev just times out - tried from different PCs on different internet connections.

This happens a lot lot recently, anyone got a clue why?

ps2dev shutting down?
DNS lookup error

according to my internet.
Yeah, I found a few threads about them moving to another server and DNS issues with pointing to the old one and stuff.

Looks like they are issue'ing again.... but they'll be back, that's what counts :D
:eek: ohwow.... that looks like a quite complete mirroring of the ps2dev SVN :D nice.

How about all the stuff that get's d/l'ing during install/compile/make?
Is it then fetched from that site as well, or are the additional d/l's all an generic sites not related to ps2dev or the kind?
it's a complete mirror, so the dl's still point at ps2dev, but if a script fails due to svn, just go in and re-direct it to psp.jim.sh
I got the download working but when i tried to svn update like you guys were saying..i ran into the error considering ps2dev is down. so waht exactly do i put in the command prompt to make it update off of psp.jim.sh? please repsond asap! i wanna start making some hbrew :) thanks!
just replace all instances of svn://svn.ps2dev.org with http://psp.jim.sh/svn. if you are running the toolchain script you will need to make that change in these files as well: 003-pspsdk-stage1.sh, 006-pspsdk-stage2.sh, and 009-psplinkusb.sh.
now im not trying to act stupid here and i understand what your saying but im just not familar with all of this haha definately not familiar with using the commandprompt, i just dont totally understand how to actually go about changing the url of the svn, and the other files as well...sorry
since youre on windows might i suggest the minimalist pspsdk, minpspw. everything you need comes packaged in an installer, so all you need to do is download and install. it should be fine for nearly anything you want to do, and its perfect for windows.

you can get it here:
okay thanks, so i can uninstall all of the cygwin stuff now?
If so then what program should i use with the sdk?
yes, you can uninstall it if you want, i dont think its necessary. as for which program to use, you can write your code with any application (notepad++ for example), but you still need to compile via the command line, although you can also set it up to work with microsoft visual studio if you would like.